mandag den 29. januar 2018

The Moon is a Mega Base 
for Aliens and 
the Industrial Military Complex
By Søren Nielsen 2018

Now again have NASA forgot to tell the world what they found on the Moon in the 60's. 

Both Apollo 8 & 13, I have found things on their mission that I do not agree with, and if i ask NASA any questions about their missions, the answer I get, does not match what is on their website. That is problem number 1

I have download all the picture from Apollo 8 - 13 and the mission log. And if you ask NASA, who long there is to the Moon from Earth, they will tell you that there is 200.000 miles, (397.000 km) and they will tell you, that it takes 3 days to go from Earth to Moon, and from the Moon to Earth also 3 days. (WE GET BACK TO THIS)

I have the last couple of weeks, been written about The Apollo mission, and what they found on the moon, but have not told anyone, and how they have blurred their images, of  the things they found on the moon so you so you could not see what really was on their pictures.

And i have found some of them, but i will show you what there really is on there picture, and i will give you the picture number from NASA so you self can go and fine it on theres website. 


This picture is taken by Apollo 13, on there trip to the Moon, and as you can see, the have blurred some of the with black. Why...?

But, look normal....! but it is not


One more time you can see the deep holes they have dug on the Moon, and buildings. And in the holes there is a kind of pips or what it is.


This is on the dark side of the Moon, and again looks normal, but is not.

You can see some grey to the left, but otherwise nothing. But in the black space, there is a lot of things.

It`s look like some mine, but i dont know, but there is something there.


On this one, there is really many Aliens on it. In the bottom of the picture, and then go in on picture, to the center of picture, then you can see some of them, here is many.

One more of the Moon, where you really can see how they really have destroyed the Moon, that why i know that is man from Earth there is on The Moon.


On this picture, is there 4 persons, Alien or Man, i dont know, but you can see if you can fine them. And there is 2 spaceships to, so get looking....! Do you want a hint ?

Look in the crater in the center of the picture.

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