onsdag den 1. januar 2020

Søren Nielsen

August 16th 1951 madness spreads through the village of "Pont Saint Esprit", in the guard region in France and it has fallen victim to an unexplained tragedy which has affected more than 200 people.

Bouts of madness and hallucinations due to the presence of ergotine in the bread, a posison that affects cereals, has killed several people.

The sale of bread has now been banned.

Dozens of villagers have victim of these bouts of madness. The press describes men terrorized by snakes swirling in their stomachs, a doctor recounts the evening of the 24th of August, where dozens of locals were seized by convulsions like in a night of the apocalypse reports from the victims are terrifying.

"I didn`t sleep for exactly 21 days. Absolutely impossible to close my eyes, despite all the sedatives and sleeping pills that the doctor gave me.

When you don`t sleep for 21 days, your mind works overtime. My young daughter had terrible hallucinations! Standing on her bed, seeing blood falling from the ceiling, from everywhere! Seeing tigers jumping on the top of her, Lions and bears trying to eat her!

And then, while she was crying and screaming, hairs coming out of her mouth, she always thought her mouth was full of hair, and she kept trying to pull them out, but failing."

It`s the first time in France that a whole village has gone mad, it made headlines in the press, who wondered what could have caused this collective hallucination.

The hearses quickly arrived in the village, in total seven deaths and three hundred people and around 50 admitted to psychiatric wards.

"They were really crazy! They saw fire everywhere. They just saw fire."

"They struggled while they could, they screamed...It was horrible, horrible!"

"Some were fighting, slapping each other."

The first dead were buried, the investigators initially thought it was a return of the St. Anthony`s fire, a disease that killed many thousands in the Middle Ages, caused by a parasitic ergo fungus, that attacks cereals.

The Baker was accused of poisoning, then the Miller. Arrested and incarcerated they were released after several months.

They say that their confessions were made under duress and above all the evidence proved their innocence.

It was then thought to be water poisoning, Mercury, fertilizers or a nearby gas factory, but the evidence disapproved these theories one by one.

It was the time of the cold war.

Nothing is clear and for decades the incident goes unexplained, but against all expectations, 60 years later a new theory is proposed, not from France, but from the United States.

An American researcher in the Secret Service`s "Hank Alberti" is investigating the suspicious death of a biochemist from the CIA, "Dr. Frank Olson" a specialist in chemical weapons.

He carried out experiments on hard drugs like LSD. He was also in France a few months before the "Pont Saint Esprit" pre-incident.

Afterwards he kept sinking into depression, telling his wife that he`d made a terrible mistake.

Dr. Frank Olson

It`s all a lie, "Dr. Frank Olson" was killed by "Dr. Sidney Gottlieb".

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb

He personally gave LSD to an unknowing fellow scientist "Dr. Frank Olson" who worked for the Army chemical Corps Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick.

His job was developing biological weapons, "Dr. Frank Olson" committed suicide by jumping through the window of a tenth floor hotel.

"Dr. Gottlieb" concealed his actions and the olson family was unaware of the cause of the suicide, until 27 years later when a faxed emerge during a congressional hearing on CIA abuses.

The link between "Gottlieb" and "Olson", illustrated how the different elements of biological and chemical weapons, radiation testing and "MK-ULTRA" were all intertwined.

You can read all about "MK-ULTRA" and the Nazi`s in my other document called "Germany won World War II".

"Hank Alberti" then made the link with "Pont Saint Espritpre-incident.

Could it have been the CIA and the American army spraying LSD onto the bread.

"Hank Alberti" said, "I have no doubt at all, that "Pont Saint Esprit" was a US Army covert experiment."

Is it possible that the American has drugged a entire village in an ally country, causing no doubt accidentally the death of seven people.

Improbable, however

To understand what happened in "Pont Saint Esprit", we need to look back at the end of the Second World War, when the level of atrocities committed by the Nazis was discovered in the camps, notably horrific experiments carried out on thousands of prisoners by chemists or doctors.

Men lacerated poisoned, burnt alive, exposed to radiation.

The Allies hunted the war criminals from Hitler`s regime. In 1946 in Nuremberg, the doctors are put on trial, 22 men and one woman, who experimented on human beings were they transformed into lab rats stand accused.

The trial sets a precedent seven of the accused are sentenced to death, eleven given prison sentences and five are auquitted.

As a result the Americans draft the Nuremberg code. A model which gives strict rules for experimenting on humans, notably:

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

"The experiment must be designed to avoid all unnecessary suffering, physical and mental harm."

With the Nuremberg trial barely over, the winners remain cynical.

The American Secret Service begins "Operation Paperclip" nearly 4500 German scientists, including war criminals are expatriated to America.

They are offered a new life in exchange for their knowledge and cooperation.

It was a very serious game of propaganda that we were playing, it was almost a show trial.

We are putting the Nazis on trial, but in fact behind the curtain we`re doing  some very nasty things ourselves to basically incarcerated people, poor people, individuals who at the time were called feeble-minded, had locked up in institutions and if you were in one of those institutions, whether you were indigent or an unwed mother or had some sort of mental incapacity there`s a good chance that you may have been incorporated in some sort of medical study, possibly for the government or not, where you would have been used and abused.

Assisted by the German scientists, the Americans begin pursuing their goal of the ultimate weapon and everything is allowed in the name of the cold war.

On the one side was the army, whose priority is to win the nuclear arms race.

At the time to test the effects of radiation on a large scale, they used their own soldiers.

Between 1946 and 1962, between 250.000 and 500.000 men, were exposed to radiation in the Nevada desert, they were exposed with no protection, unaware of the risks involved and afterwards, the radiated particles were cleaned up with brooms.

On the other side was the CIA, who was above all interested in psychological manipulation.

Their goal was to create an infallible thuth serum, wipe memories, turn humans into robots and programmed them to kill.

Conveniently in 1948 a researcher in the Sandoz laboratories, "Albert Hoffman" discovers a molecule that ignites the Secret Service.

Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD. It`s derived from the same rod fungus, long held responsible for the incident at "Pont Saint Esprit".

It was believed that the hallucinogenic properties of this drug, were key to psychological manipulation, fearing that the Russians would get their hands on Sandoz`s samples, the Americans bought all of their stock.

The discovery of LSD was a godsend for the Army, who on the brink of nuclear weapons, were looking for a weapon that could defeat an enemy without firing any weapons.

The man who has headed this program longest was "James Ketchum". He was a psychiatrist who was working for the military.

As a patriot he was prepared to push the boundaries in his research. He tested around 30 drugs, but especially LSD and the dangerous benzoplate.

He treated 7.000 soldiers, hundreds of whom later sued the Army, because of the side effects, that they still experience and attribute to these drugs.

However when questioned "James Ketchum" sees things differently, "I think they`re very patriotic have not been given credit they`ve been called innocent guinea pigs, which they certainly were not.

They knew what they were doing and we told them as much as we could about it. We had to limit the names of the drugs, because some of them were artificially made and if we were to give out the name of course that would also reveal the structure and that we were afraid the Russian hood would get that, they`re apparently following our work.

We thought they were ahead of us, but actually they weren`t and so they were watching what we did to see what they could learn and use and they developed a similar drug later themselves."