fredag den 27. september 2019

Søren Nielsen

There is found a grimacing face carved into the ice at a remote region in the southeast of the island.

The snow in view appears to have the shape of eyes, a nose and a mouth. The mouth appears be contorted in a terrifying grimace.

This stange image sparked a frenzy online, with some claiming it`s evidence of a hidden civilisation.

It have long been claimed that an ancient civilisation - possibly of Alien origin - lived or still lives under the Antaretic ice.

The YouTube channel "Thirdphaseofmoon", shared their thoughts on the Google Earth image.

"It appears to be a massive, ancient structure of some kind of face that is being revealed for the first time on Google Earth".

"I would have to concur that whatever we`re looking at, resembles some sort of megastructure"

Brett added: 

"Could this be something, that was left behind by the ancient civilisations of Antaretica?"

"Ice melting could be revealing structure, that would baffle the world".

Around 90.000 people have watched the footage of the Antaretic face.

One quipped:

"That is not a natural thing that mother nature made by wind and cold. Looks like a Viking. Metal helmet with the nose piece running down the upper part".

Another said: "No mind trick, that`s definiely a face".

Others were more sensible in their approach.

"This is purely natural and random. Looks like ice with cracks".

The find is most likely the result of pareidolia, a bizarre effect which causes the brain to see shapes, structurees and patterns where they do not exist.

According to NASA:

"Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where people see recognisable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data.

There are many examples of this phenomenon on Earth and in space".

Like you can trust NASA, this is not the first time NASA have made outrageous claims about satelite snaps.

Like this photo, it`s from the same place as the Alien face.

But this is not a satelite snaps, it`s picture, from the Antarectica. And if you look at the red cirkel on the right.

That is a "Alien with a human woman".

I have 25 picture like this, of Alien structure, that would baffle the world.

And that's only because the ice is melting, that this appears, massive, ancient structure of some kind.

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