søndag den 29. september 2019

Søren Nielsen

The mystery begins in the valley of the Kings Egypt. Here Ancient Egyptian pharaohs once lay buried, among untold riches of gold and gems.

In 1922 British archaeologist Howard Carter, stumbled across the biggest archaeological discovery of the 20th century.

The tomb of Tutankamun, remains one of the most stunning archaeological discoveries of all time.

The tomb really captured people`s imagination, which led to ehole outburst of Egypt mania, where everything Egyptian was sexy and cool.

The 3300 year old tomb, was filled with treasure. 
Tutankhamun mummy was absolutely covered in jewelry, colors, amulets, but also two daggers and one of those daggers had an iron blade.

King Tut lived during Egypt`s Bronze Age, at a time when iron manufacturing was technologically impossible.

How did King Tut obtain iron, when iron basically didn`t exist.

One possible answer comes from a set of tablets written in an ancient middle-eastern script at the time of King Tut`s grandfather.

The Amarna letters are a series of ancient texts, that date from the time period, right before Tutankhamun reign and among other things they mentioned a series of gifts sent to Egypt by rulers of neighboring kingdoms. 

Included in this list, is a number of daggers with iron blades. Is it possible that this is the source of that dagger.

According to the Amarna tablets, the pharaoh of Egypt, received iron daggers from people with close like to the iron smelting site discovered in Jordan.

If we could identify one of these daggers, sent by the king of Mitanni to Tutankhamun grandfather as being the one found on his mummy, that`d be wonderful, but there`s no real means of being able to join the dote here.

On the face of it, the coincidence of the Amarna letters, with the iron smelting site looks compelling, but when archaeologists investigate futher, they realized that the dates don`t match. It`s a very disputed site, the dating is very very disputed.

Though archaeologists still debate the exact start date, the site at Tel Elohim, may have started production too late for 

This date to about a thousand BC, which makes it 300 years or so after Tutankhamun.

But some experts claim, the mainstream Egyptian timeline could be off by as much as 300 years, which would put 
Tutankhamun back in the frame, yet there is another more significant obstacle to the idea that the dagger was forged by Egypt`s advanced neighbors.

Chemical analysis of its iron yields shocking results. This particular dagger doesn`t rust and that`s what makes is special.

The quality the ironist is fantastic, it`s pure, almost made in the kind of technology that would happen only centuries later, when people became experts at creating iron.

The blade is so pure, that in over 3000 years, it has not rusted at all.

No one in the world is capable of producing that kind of metal in pre-modern times.

The people of Tel Elohim may have been good metal workers, but no one on Earth was capable of marking such high-quality iron back then.

All the clues lead to the same remarkable conclusion, this iron wasn`t mined by man.

So there`s a high content of nickel and traces of cobalt, which indicates in all likelihood, that this metal in NOT from Earth.

The discovery leaves only one possible conclusion, this iron came from the sky.

The sky is hugely important for Egyptian mythology, there are Gods of the sky. Any kind of things, coming from the sky, will be seen as potential gifts or some kind of offering of the Gods.

Ancient hieroglyphs throw further light these daggers, when you look at some early religious text, it talks about the bones of the Gods, being made of iron, but only that, the term for iron was (beer impact) which means iron from the skies.

The ancient Egyptians believed that iron came from the heavens, while the dagger may not have been delivered by a God, modern satellite images have shed light on how it could have gotten here.

There are a lot of scientists who scan satellite imagery for interesting features on Earth`s surface. Well a really interesting feature was found in Egypt in about 2008.

Mineralogists found on satellite imagery, perfectly preserved crater surrounded by more than thousand kilograms of meteoric iron.

It`s very possible that a clever blacksmith, recognized the metallic qualities of this stone and decided to experiment and discover that in fact, he could hammer it into a blade.

When archeologists investigate the site, they analyze fragments from the ground. We can reconstruct the compositional characteristics of the meteorite and the bad news is that it`s not match, so it`s very unlikely, that dagger was crafted out of that specific metal.

This partcular meteorite is not the source of the dagger.

So is the dagger made by aliens, because the two daggers the areheologists discovered in Tutankhamun tomb, with an iron blade, which would have been made in a time when iron manufacturing was technologically impossible.

fredag den 27. september 2019

Søren Nielsen

There is found a grimacing face carved into the ice at a remote region in the southeast of the island.

The snow in view appears to have the shape of eyes, a nose and a mouth. The mouth appears be contorted in a terrifying grimace.

This stange image sparked a frenzy online, with some claiming it`s evidence of a hidden civilisation.

It have long been claimed that an ancient civilisation - possibly of Alien origin - lived or still lives under the Antaretic ice.

The YouTube channel "Thirdphaseofmoon", shared their thoughts on the Google Earth image.

"It appears to be a massive, ancient structure of some kind of face that is being revealed for the first time on Google Earth".

"I would have to concur that whatever we`re looking at, resembles some sort of megastructure"

Brett added: 

"Could this be something, that was left behind by the ancient civilisations of Antaretica?"

"Ice melting could be revealing structure, that would baffle the world".

Around 90.000 people have watched the footage of the Antaretic face.

One quipped:

"That is not a natural thing that mother nature made by wind and cold. Looks like a Viking. Metal helmet with the nose piece running down the upper part".

Another said: "No mind trick, that`s definiely a face".

Others were more sensible in their approach.

"This is purely natural and random. Looks like ice with cracks".

The find is most likely the result of pareidolia, a bizarre effect which causes the brain to see shapes, structurees and patterns where they do not exist.

According to NASA:

"Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where people see recognisable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data.

There are many examples of this phenomenon on Earth and in space".

Like you can trust NASA, this is not the first time NASA have made outrageous claims about satelite snaps.

Like this photo, it`s from the same place as the Alien face.

But this is not a satelite snaps, it`s picture, from the Antarectica. And if you look at the red cirkel on the right.

That is a "Alien with a human woman".

I have 25 picture like this, of Alien structure, that would baffle the world.

And that's only because the ice is melting, that this appears, massive, ancient structure of some kind.

onsdag den 25. september 2019

Søren Nielsen

But has been suppressed several times.

In 1976 Dr. Burzynski discovered a strain of peptides never seen before.

He also discovered that people with cancer, lacked these peptides.

Dr. Burzynski then started giving patients a peptide called "Antineoplaston".

In 1986, Dr. Burzynski presented 40 cured cancer patients to the Texas medical board.

Stanislaw Burzynski in 1997

2 years later, the board tried to revoke his medical license.
60 patients petitioned the board for filing complaints.

A trial ensued and the judge found Dr. Burzynski, 
"Not guilty" of any crime.

The "FDA", then took Dr. Burzynski to Federal court, and dozens of cured cancer patients testified for Dr. Burzynski.

30+ congressmen wrote to persuade the "FDA" to allow Dr. Burzynski`s clinical trials.

The judge declared a mistrial and the "FDA" dropped all remaining charges.

The "FDA", then allowed Dr. Burzynski to proceed with phase IIclinical trials.

However, court cases continued to plague Dr. Burzynski for 20 more years.

After many set backs, the "FDA", just recently approved one of his medications. Two other medications are currently in final approval.

This Brain Tumor, went into remission in 4 weeks.


After 4 weeks.

This Tumor in the liver, dissappeared in 6 months.

Here`s Ovarian cancer, that healed in 9 months.

How to survive the fake news about cancer
Based in his Texas clinic, Stanislaw Burzynski claims to cure cancer with a unique "antineoplaston" therapy. 

Despite operating for decades, according to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI"other investigators have been unable to duplicate these results". 

Since its inception, the clinic has been the subject of numerous "FDA" warnings yet continues to promote itself as capable of curing patients.

And it does not come cheap – the US NCI warns patients that treatment costs upwards of $7,500-$10,000 monthly (£5,600-£7,580) and says: 

"The evidence for use of antineoplaston therapy as a treatment for cancer is inconclusive. Controlled clinical trials are necessary to assess the value of this therapy."

Despite negative publicity, it’s business as usual for Burzynski. If anything, crowdfunding may have made his clinic more popular. 

In lieu of scientific evidence, it relies on gushing testimonials to lure new customers, though in some cases, these come from patients already deceased – a fact absent from the promotional material.

This is contemptible, but in no way unique – there is an abundance of dubious clinics worldwide promising the impossible at eye-watering prices. 

Last year an investigation on Irish television probed clinics in Istanbul that were claiming huge successes with unconventional therapies. Patients were charged more than €130,000 (£116,000) and given the all-clear in Turkey. 

According to the programme, patients discovered their cancers had progressed markedly when scanned after returning home. Germany, too, is home to several effectively unregulated clinics, presented as luxury spas but promising cures. 

These are backed by fawning testimonials pitched at international customers, with treatments costing hundreds of thousands of euros – despite no evidence for their efficacy.

Such exploitation goes far beyond the immediate victims, with crowdfunding typically used to meet their exorbitant prices. 

A paper in the British Medical Journal last year, based on figures collected by the Good Thinking Society, found that at least £8 million had been raised since 2012 in the UK alone for unsubstantiated or discredited cancer treatments. 

As Good Thinking Society project director Michael Marshall explains:

"Sums raised through crowdfunding are just the tip of the iceberg, with many patients taking out loans, mortgaging their houses, and spending their life savings. When these supposed cures turn out to offer no benefit, families have been left coping with huge debts when they are grieving for their loved one."

To explain the paucity of evidence for their claims, purveyors of quack remedies accuse the medical and scientific community of suppressing cures for cancer. 

This is not a mere fringe belief – 37% of Americans believe the "FDA" is doing just that. But the claim is nonsense. 

It would require a vast conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of scientists and doctors to sustain – a scenario unlikely to endure.

Plus, if there were such a conspiracy, wouldn’t those who work in the cancer sphere be just as susceptible to its malignant influence as anyone? 

We all lose loved ones to cancer, and succumb to it. Conspiracy claims foster distrust between patients and healthcare teams.

The rise in cancer misinformation is part of a wider problem with online falsehoods. Like the equally dangerous explosion in anti-vaccine myths, cancer untruths have an impact on both our physical wellbeing and on the public understanding of science and medicine. 

In a sea of sound and fury, discerning between the reputable and the repugnant isn’t always easy, but there are excellent resources available for patients and their families. 

Well-researched guides by Cancer Research UK and the US National Cancer Institute are enlightening and authoritative.

Like anti-vaccine sentiment, cancer myths thrive on social media. There is a strong argument that these platforms have a moral obligation to remove groups and individuals propagating misinformation. 

As O’Sullivan notes, "Facebook, YouTube and Twitter lead a patient down a rabbit hole, with many thinking this is ‘doing their research’. I don’t think we can stop those making false cancer claims, but maybe we can insulate patients and regulate those making cancer claims as well as holding social media platforms accountable."

In the wake of a measles resurgence driven in part by online anti-vaccine activism, several social media platforms have promised to massage their algorithms to reduce "fake news" on cancer. 

But this filtering is easily bypassed. Social media business models thrive on engagement rather than veracity, and a cynic might think they have little reason to regulate such content, beyond appearing to be concerned. 

Whether the problem is absence of ability or inclination, health misinformation remains widespread. 

It’s imperative we improve our ability to assess the avalanche of medical claims: our continued wellbeing depends on it.

mandag den 23. september 2019

Søren Nielsen

Relateret billede


Researchers Crack 1024-bit RSA Encryption in GnuPG Crypto Library, which states,

"The attack allows an attacker to extract the secret crypto key from a system by analyzing the pattern of memory utilization or the electromagnetic outputs of the device that are emitted during the decryption process."

In fact, every cryptocurrency becomes obsolete with the invention of large-scale quantum computing.

Note, importantly, that this is a 1024-bit encryption system. 

The same technique is also said to be able to crack 2048-bit encryption. 

In fact, encryption layers are cracked on a daily basis by clever hackers. 

Some of those encryption layers are powering various cryptocurrencies right now. 

Unless you are an extremely high-level mathematician, there’s no way you can know for sure whether any crypto currency is truly non-hackable.

Once China and Google manages to build a working 256-bit quantum computer, it can effectively steal all the Bitcoins in the world (plus steal most national secrets and commit other global mayhem at will).

Here’s one possible plan by the globalists to seize total control over the world’s money supply, savings, taxation and financial transactions while enslaving humanity. (And it all starts with Bitcoin.)

Ten steps to crypto-tyranny: The "big plan" by the globalists (and how it involves Bitcoin).

1) Roll out the "NSA"-created Bitcoin to get the public excited about a digital currency.

2) Quietly prepare a globalist-controlled cryptocurrency to take its place. (JP MorganGoldman Sachs?)

3) Initiate a massive, global-scale false flag operation that crashes the global debt markets and sends fiat currencies down in flames. (Hoax alien invasion, hoax North Korean EMP attack, mass distributed power grid terrorism network, etc.)

4) Blame whatever convenient enemy is politically acceptable (North Korea, "The Russians," Little Green Men or whatever it takes…).

5) Allow the fiat currency debt pyramid to collapse and smolder until the sheeple get desperate (i.e. Venezuela-style desperation with people eating out of dumpsters).

6) With great fanfare, announce a government-backed cryptocurrency replacement for all fiat currencies, and position world governments as the SAVIOR of humanity. Allow the desperate public to trade in their fiat currencies for official crypto currencies.

7) Outlaw cash and criminalize gold and silver ownership by private citizens. All in the name of "security", of course.

8) Criminalize all non-official cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, crashing their value virtually overnight and funneling everyone into the one world government crypto, where the "NSA" controls the blockchain. This can easily be achieved by blaming the false flag event on some nation or group that is said to have been "funded by Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency used by terrorists."

9) Require embedded RFID or biometric identifiers for all transactions in order to "authenticate" the one-world digital crypto currency activities. Mark of the Beast becomes reality. No one is allowed to eat, travel or earn a wage without being marked.

10) Once absolute control over the new one-world digital currency is achieved, weaponize the government-tracked blockchain to track all transactions, investments and commercial activities. Confiscate a portion of all crypto under the guise of "automated taxation." In an emergency, the government can even announce negative interest rates where your holdings automatically decrease each day.

What evidence supports this notion? First, take a look at a document entitled,

How to make a mint: 
"The cryptography of anonymous electronic cash."

This document, released in 1997 — yes, twenty years ago — detailed the overall structure and function of Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Who authored the document? 

Try not to be shocked when you learn it was authored by,

"Mathematical cryptographers at the National Security Agency’s Office of Information Security Research and Technology."

The NSA, in other words, detailed key elements of Bitcoin long before Bitcoin ever came into existence. 

Much of the Bitcoin protocol is detailed in this document, including signature authentication techniques, eliminating cryptocoin counterfeits through transaction authentication and several features that support anonymity and untraceability of transactions.

Although Bitcoin adds mining and a shared, peer-to-peer blockchain transaction authentication system to this structure, it’s clear that the NSA was researching cryptocurrencies long before everyday users had ever heard of the term. 

Note, too, that the name of the person credited with founding Bitcoin is "Satoshi Nakamoto", who is reputed to have reserved one million Bitcoins for himself. 

Millions of posts and online threads discuss the possible identity of "Satishi Nakamoto", and some posts even claim the NSA has identified "Satoshi Nakamoto".

With all this accomplished, globalists can now roll out absolute totalitarian control over every aspect of private lives by enforcing financial "blackouts" for those individuals who criticize the government. 

They can put in place automatic deductions for traffic violations, vehicle license plate taxes, internet taxes and a thousand other oppressive taxes invented by the bureaucracy. 

With automatic deductions run by the government, citizens have no means to halt the endless confiscation of their "money" by totalitarian bureaucrats and their deep state lackeys.

Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency.

It`s now becoming increasingly evident that bitcoin is a creation of the NSA and was rolled out as a "normalization" experiment to get the public familiar with digital currency, once this is established, the world`s fiat currencies will be obliterated in an engineered debt collapse, then replaced with a government approved cryptocurrency with tracking of all transactions and digital wallets by the world’s western governments.

What evidence supports this notion? First, take a look at this document entitled, "How to make a mint: The cryptography of anonymous electronic cash." 

This document, released in 1997 — yes, twenty years ago — detailed the overall structure and function of Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Who authored the document? 

Try not to be shocked when you learn it was authored by "mathematical cryptographers at the National Security Agency’s Office of Information Security Research and Technology."

The NSA, in other words, detailed key elements of Bitcoin long before Bitcoin ever came into existence. 

Much of the Bitcoin protocol is detailed in this document, including signature authentication techniques, eliminating cryptocoin counterfeits through transaction authentication and several features that support anonymity and untraceability of transactions. 

The document even outlines the heightened risk of money laundering that’s easily accomplished with cryptocurrencies. It also describes "secure hashing" to be "both one-way and collision-free."

Although Bitcoin adds mining and a shared, peer-to-peer blockchain transaction authentication system to this structure, it’s clear that the NSA was researching cryptocurrencies long before everyday users had ever heard of the term. 

Note, too, that the name of the person credited with founding Bitcoin is "Satoshi Nakamoto", who is reputed to have reserved one million Bitcoins for himself. 

Millions of posts and online threads discuss the possible identity of "Satishi Nakamoto", and some posts even claim the NSA has identified "Satoshi". 

However, another likely explanation is that "Satoshi Nakamoto" is the NSA, which means he is either working for the NSA is is a sock puppet character created by the NSA for the purpose of this whole grand experiment.

On top of the fact that the NSA authored a technical paper on cryptocurrency long before the arrival of Bitcoin, the agency is also the creator of the "SHA-256" hash upon which every Bitcoin transaction in the world depends. 

As The Hacker News explains. "The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called "SHA-256", which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)." THN also adds:

"If you assume that the NSA did something to SHA-256, which no outside researcher has detected, what you get is the ability, with credible and detectable action, they would be able to forge transactions. The really scary thing is somebody finds a way to find collisions in SHA-256 really fast without brute-forcing it or using lots of hardware and then they take control of the network."

In other words, if the "SHA-256" hash, which was created by the NSA, actually has a backdoor method for cracking the encryption, it would mean the NSA could steal everybody’s Bitcoins whenever it wants. (Call it "Zero Day.") 

That same article, written by Mohit Kumar, mysteriously concludes, "Even today it’s too early to come to conclusions about Bitcoin. Possibly it was designed from day one as a tool to help maintain control of the money supplies of the world."

And with that statement, Kumar has indeed stumbled upon the bigger goal in all this: To seize control over the world money supply as the fiat currency system crumbles and is replaced with a one-world digital currency controlled by globalists.