mandag den 19. februar 2018

By Søren Nielsen 2018.

Why I say, "We have never been in space in a Rocket", is because that it can not be done, using the method that we are using today, or for that matter, the method we have used since April 12, 1961. And I want to show you why.

All this nice rocket NASA have build to get to the Moon, have NEVER been in LOW Earth Orbit.

If you look who big the are, and then think, that 96 % of the Rocket is Propelleant and the last 4 % is Crew - Payload and Dumb mass.

To get to Low Earth Orbit, you have to have a constant Exhaust Velocity 8.000 Meters/Sec.

And to get to the Moon, you have to have a constant Exhaust Velocity at 14.000 Meters/Sec. And to get back to Earth you need a Constant Exhaust Velocity at 2.000 Meters/Sec.

And now NASA is talking about to go to Mars. To go there, it will take a Constant Exhaust Velocity at 16.000 Meters/Sec. And to get back, a constant Exhaust Velocity at 5.000 Meters/Sec.

Can you see the picture here...?

We dont have anything to get that Velocity, the best thing we have on Earth is (Hydrogen - O2), with that we can get a Constant Exhaust Veiocity at 4.400 Meters/Sec. 

So everything NASA tells you about space is a LIE.
When it comes to rocket, it`s only to get money to the Secret Space Program, the US Navy and NASA has, because they dont use rocket to get in to space, because they found a NEW energy they can use for a propelleant to there`s spaceships.

Those who follow what happens at NASA and in Space, they know who Don Pettit is ...?.

Don Pettit is the top dog at NASA when it comes to rockets, and he says, 


These are some brave words, when you have people like Armstrong-Buzz and etc etc, who say they have been on the Moon.

There is something called 
"Tyranny of the Rocket Equation".

And it go like this.
"Tyranny of the Rocket Equation".

Number 1.

What is the Tyranny?

If you have a rocket :

- Where do you what to go => Magnitude of gravity.

- Choice of Propellant         => Energy in chemical bonds

Number 2.

The Rocket Equation.

Number 3.

Where do you what to go ?

Number 4.

Number 5.

Number 6.

Number 7.

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