tirsdag den 13. februar 2018

Things Seen on Earth
From Space 
That You don`t Know Where Is.
By Søren Nielsen 2018.

This picture you see here, is from "EVA 30 31 GoPro Spacewalk ISS EVAs Astronaut Terry Virts 2015 NASA" i download that day.

But did not have time to see it through before now, and I must say that it is no small thing I found on the film.

If you look at the first picture, on the right side, there is a very very big spaceship, or a very large tower.

And if you look to the left under the ISS, between the 2 black spots in top, there is some white land, which I think is Antarctica because if you look good, look as if there is a flag. But it look like a flag. (I dont know, but it look like it)

Here is some picture, i have taken out of the film, have a look at the picture, and see the things, if you can see the things on the picture.

This picture is from "EVA 30 31 GoPro Spacewalk ISS EVAs Astronaut Terry Virts 2015 NASA".

And you will see that when Terry Virts, discovering what you can see, he tries to cover the lens with his hand.

Before we start, I would just say that what we see on here, I think, is the same as Roland Reagan wrote about in his book, "The Reagan Diaries, Pages 334".

"Lunch with five top scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier, and some of the development there in astronomy ect. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle, capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people". June 11 1985.

I have only one question, 
"what kind of shuttle has Roland Reagan been looking at"

I can only think of a plane, the Rockwell "Star Raker". 

Is it go operational in 1979

NAME : 1979 SSTO  Heavy Lift Winged Orbital Launch Vehicle.

Length : 310 Feet
Wingspan : 360 Feet
Cargo : 200.000 lbs

Propulsion : 10 Hige-bypass turbofan/ramjets/3x LOX/LH2 Rocket engines.

That why NASA don`t have a Space program.

You can see the "Star Raker" on picture number 12 to 15.

I think that we are look at here is what Roland Reagan

And here discovering Terry Virts what you can see, he tries to cover the lens with his hand.

The next pictures are from NASAs movies 
"Earth from Space 2016 from ISS"

The last picture, is from man`s first space walk. 

And if you look down on Earth, there is a lot shit we dont know about, because NASA have a SECRET Space Program.

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