tirsdag den 4. maj 2021

Søren Nielsen

The spike protein talked ad nauseam as a key element for the effectiveness of the "vaccine" is the same protein tied to the adverse reactions many people are experiencing after taking the experimental shot.

This is really important information.  

I personally know someone, day after 2nd dose went to physician feeling bad, EKG abnormal, referral to cardiology, next day in ER with full blown heart attack.  

This thankfully was alleviated by a 3:00 AM emergent cardiac catheterization and placement of 3 stents ideally there is no lasting damage.  

Was thinking since then the spike protein likely mediates the cardiovascular damage seen in COVID infection. 

Put more simply the darn spike protein may be the main reason Covid infection is dangerous in the first place.

Now we have this animal study which documents the spike protein injures endothelial cells (the cells which line the insides of arteries and veins) and we at least in part know the mechanism of action.  

When the spike protein begins binding to and tying up the ACE2 receptors this in some fashion harms the mitrochondria, the cells being injured or dying (aside from the direct damage from this) release inflammatory and clotting factors, one starts having clots form inside the arteries to attempt to patch things and keep the vessels from leaking.  

Of course a clot inside the lumen of an artery can be a very bad thing as it might grow to where it chokes off blood flow through the whole artery.  

ACE2 receptors are consistently and in large numbers found in endothelium, but are expressed in certain other tissue types, those cell types would be expected to damaged as well so the presentation, might not be cardiovascular, but because ACE2 is highly expressed in endothelial that is where you would expect most often to see damage.

One point Alex mentioned in passing that I would re-emphasize is, at least to my knowledge, all of the vaccines are based on generating an immune response to the spike protein and only the spike protein.  

So I saw one of the I think European vaccines uses a genetically engineered replication deficient adenovirus as the delivery vehicle.  

What's the one Covid-gene they insert into the adenovirus, the RNA gene for the spike protein. 

So whatever vaccine you get you are just spinning the roulette wheel. 

Of course if you are young and/or healthy, in a low inflammatory state have no serious deficiencies of vitamins and micronutrients (and don't happen by luck of the draw to be someone who genetically expresses a lot of ACE2 or a variant of ACE2 that the spike protein really likes to bind to) good chance you; ll get through the vaccine fine.  

However, I am reminded of the Clint Eastwood line, "You feeling lucky punk?"   

Then there are whatever other nasties may be in the vaccine, with the modifiedRNA vaccine we know polyethylene glycol is a problem and if you weren't allergic to it previously decent chance you are after the vaccines, you might learn this by having an anaphylactic reaction to the second dose, etc., etc.

One area I would pick a nit with this presentation, it is not made clear that the spike protein isn't a normal part of human physiology, it isn't.  

Rather the spike protein looks a bit like other normal proteins the body uses.  

Maybe there is a run of 20 amino acids in the spike protein that is 90% identical to a run of 20 amino acids on a normal protein in the body and that part of each protein is just about the same three dimensionally.  

When this happens if an antibody is a good fit for that part of the spike protein it will also react with the protein in the normal tissue.  

This is termed cross-reactivity.  

I personally haven't read-up on the cross reactivity profile of the spike protein, but I am going to take the word of the former high level Pfizer scientist and others that the spike protein is known to immunologically cross react with a variety of important proteins in different normal tissue types.

So if the immune system starts mistaking a protein in normal tissue for an invader, the immune system is saying to itself "these things are like cockroaches I can't get rid of them" and continues an "autoimmune" response that can go on for years.  

Is it serious? 

It sure can be, if one mounts an autoimmune response against proteins in the joints this is rheumatoid arthritis, if for reasons unknown one mounts an autoimmune response against pancreatic islet cells (the cells that make insulin) it may continue until every islet cell is destroyed the person has type I diabetes and is dependent on insulin injections for the rest of their life, etc., etc.

Will the Covid vaccine cause a number of autoimmune problems going forward, really there are so many variables involved I suspect the best answer is nobody knows, we will start to find out in the next few months though won't we.

Here is something I don't know and would like to.  

What is the peak blood level of the spike protein after vaccination versus peak blood level of the spike protein during a Covid infection

Further how quickly does the modified viral RNA break down, is one churning out a lot spike protein for 48 hours or two weeks?  

Now one is sort of between a rock and a hard place. 

If the spike protein blood levels are about the same between vaccination and a moderate to severe Covid infection, this implies that everyone who had a moderate to severe Covid infection is also at risk of autoimmune problems.  

Is the Covid-spike protein one of the components of the novel corona virus where people are saying what the heck is that doing there, that looks like genetic engineering?  

Now if on the other hand you say people with immunization have a brief, say 48-72 hours where the spike protein blood levels are 5 or 10 times higher than seen with normal infection (which is what I suspect), immunized people would be at greater risk of autoimmune problems down the road because they would have a stronger immune response to the higher blood levels.  

Perhaps more important, as we know from the research study IW just posted a portion to much of the lethality of the Covid virus is mediated through the spike protein (again is that spike protein genetically engineered, just sort of curious you might say), immunized people would have a blood level of spike protein that would likely kill them or put them in the ICU if it persisted for ten days, however, with luck on their side if they make it out 48-72 hours without ending up dead in the ER or the ICU they are likely out of the woods for the acute danger, at least until the booster shot if they so choose. 

I'll close with a brief anecdote.  

When I worked in the rare diseases office at FDA one of the therapeutics I helped shepherd to market was an anti-venin (antivenom antivenin tomatoe tomato) for scorpion evenomation.  

It was made at the University of Arizona and they used maybe a couple dozen doses a year.  

A kid gets stung by a scorpion, terribly painful, maybe even 2-3 days sedated on a respirator in the ICU.  

Or they get the anti-venin and 1/2 hour later they feel better, three hours later they went to go roller blading.  

They had used if for a  decade or two, it worked and it didn't have severe side effects but there were say another couple scorpion envenomations a year in New Mexico and as the drug wasn't approved you couldn't transfer it over state lines.  

While the studies were being done to get a formal approval an "Emergency Use Authorization" was put in place so the antivenin could be stored in New Mexico as well.  

That is what an Emergency Use Authorization is for, not so an unproven vaccine with an entirely untested technology, might be compulsorily rolled out to ostensibly every person on the planet for a virus with a mortality rate in the ballpark with seasonal influenza.  

I try not to get upset over things I don't have a lot of control over and in areas I don't have clear information (whew was I upset at Saudi Arabia for a short time following 9/11).  

That said, it does start to look and feel like this isn't a vaccine at all, it is a weapon.  

The genetically modified virus is a weapon and the vaccine is a weapon the main differences being the vaccine will likely kill more people and a very, very, very small minority of "folks" are looking for you to thank them as they attack with a "vaccine".  

Again, I wouldn't want people to get upset, and I also certainly can understand why people might want to get the vaccine and be emotionally upset at those who feel otherwise, though telling people who have recovered from Covid to get the vaccine, well that is beyond crazy, that is just plain evil.  

Still, this isn't like watching building 7 collapse, what exactly is going on? 

I'm not sure, I would only say for myself I am looking to avoid the Covid vaccination  

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