tirsdag den 28. maj 2019

Søren Nielsen

I'll try to explain why there is war in "Iraq and Afghanistan" and why "Americanswould like to wage war with "Iran".

The war in "Iraq" and "Afghanistan" is called by the Americans, "The War on Terror", but we know today that is a big big lie. 

The wars in the Middle East are claimed to be for democracy, human rights or against Islamic terrorism, but these fig leaves cannot cover the interest in the resources and strategic location of the Middle East, far from the homeland, especially the West led by the United States to keep The US War Machine running, to do "The Vatican" and "The Jewsdirty work for them to keep their power and wealth.

The Middle East is a crucial strategic piece for the United States in their competition with Russia and China as "The World Superpower".

Syrian gov’t accuses US, French, Turkish troops of stealing artifacts from Syria.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has condemned what it said were illegal excavation works by US, in areas of Syria under their control, including ancient sites at "Manbij", "Afrin", "Idlib", "Hasaka", and "Raqqa".

The Syrian government has devoted considerable resources to the search for looted artifacts, and is working with international authorities to recover treasures illegally smuggled abroad by criminal enterprises during the terrorist occupation.

But if you look at all the places where the American soldiers have occupied areas are by all the important ancient cities of ancient times.

An U.S. soldier looks over "The ancient city of Babylon" in Iraq.

Unlike "Palmyra", the heart of "The Assyrian" empire has been reduced to rubble.

In a field outside an ancient palace in "The Assyrian" city of "Nimrud", shattered.

One of the most prominent buildings Of "Babylon" (today only its ruins) was "The Ziggurat, Etemenanki", which means ,"Temple of The Foundation of Heaven and Earth".

Crazy US Troop Visit "Ancient Ruins of Hatra".

Before and after, "US troops" have been on a ancient site. Somebody are uses "US troops" to remove evidence that "GOD" is "extraterrestrial".

One can only see for many countries "The US" has military bases in, to control people's knowledge so they can manipulate them to do what they want you to do...!

And then you can take "Russia" and look too many countries "Russians" have bases in outside "Russia".

Not many countries...!

Being able to control this vital energy area - including control over the countries - is a must for the United States.

And if you look where all information about the creation of man and Earth, is and exists is in the Persian Gulf, better known as "Iraq", "Iran", "Syria" and "Afghanistan".

And funny enough, the only country that "Americans" has not occupied is the country "The Jews" and "The Vatican" hate most, also is the country where most of the information about "The Holy Bible" and "God" is found, is "IRAN".

And that is why "The US" and "The Jews" with "The Vatican", what to start a war with Iran, so they can get hold of the last evidence that "The Bible" is written on a lie and that "God" is a "Extraterrestrial".

We all know today, that 9/11 was devised and executed by "Mossad agents" along with "American Jews" who will do everything for that it is Amerikaneske lives there are lost, and no Israeli lives, when Americans go to war for the Jews.

Because "The Vatican" and "The Jews", knows that, if the people of the world finds out that "God" as they have learned not exist and that the real "God" is a "Extraterrestrial".

Vatican Spokesman and Effect on Religion
In addition, after centuries of being occupied by "aliens", "the Vatican", represented by insider "Monsignor Balducci", has appeared on national television in Italy to state that extraterrestrial contact is real. "Balducci" has said that extraterrestrials: 

"are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."

"The Vatican has appeared on national television in Italy to state that extraterrestrial contact is real."
Various researchers over the decades have claimed that "the Vatican" has been quite aware of "alien" presences for centuries, so this "admission" would not be exactly a surprise.

What also is not a surprise is that, despite the probability of extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe, "the Catholic Church" will cling to its claim that a Jewish carpenter "always remains the center of the Universe...

No worries at all for those who have been concerned that the revelation of the existence of alien life in the cosmos would somehow affect Earth's religions in a detrimental way! 

It seems that humans will always find a way to remain entrenched in their conditioning, no matter how strong the evidence against it.

How much power do you think "The Catholic Church" and "The Jews" would have in the rest of the world. That their entire existence is built around a great lie, in order for them to have power over people, and at the same time make themselves rich.

And if we start with "The Bible". "The New Testament" was taken from "The Old Testament"..

In 1849s British archaeologists discovered 14 tablets in "Sumeria". Today these are the oldest know writings, and they date back to the 24th century BC.

The development of "Sumerian" civilization occurred in the Persian Gulf while growing to strength over time. The plain of the land "Shinar" is the territory that was renamed to "Babylon" after 2000 BC, these people lived in "The Middle East" on the territory we know as "Iran" and "Iraq" today.

The Greeks gave it the name "Mesopotamia" and which was commonly referred to as "The land between two rivers", most of this region lies in the modern state of "Iraq".

While the stories on them share much of what other ancient writings say, they put a whole new spin on the other ancient sacred text.

While they do refer to a "Father of All Beginnings" or some kind of "Ultimate Supreme Being" or "Universal Cosmic God".

Can you see the bigger picture now, if you don`t, take a cup of tea, and sit down and keep reading, for here we start the real trut about who we are and what there is going to happen in the future with the human here on Earth.

It all started in the 24th centruy BC, where "the Sumerians" wrote about "The Anunnaki" arrival to Earth. And are the oldest know writings here on Earth.

The US Military are in "Iraq - Syria - Turkey - Saudi - Jordan - Egypt - Afghanistan" to delete all tracks, there should have been a "Super Race" from another planet here on Earth thousands of years before human history began to rise long before "Jesus" was born and "the Bible" was written..

For the Bible is written after ancient "Sumerian" texts that they had learned from "The Anunnaki" when they came to Earth 430,000 years ago.

And when you read the Bible, there are so many errors and contradictions that one can not help but think about it is written that the few could control the many.

"The Anunnaki" was called "THOSE OF ROYAL BLOOD", and there is people today, that think that is there right to rule the world, because they think that descended from "The Anunnaki" and is therefore "THOSE OF ROYAL BLOOD".

And who are they, "THOSE OF ROYAL BLOOD". That I will leave it up to you to decide.

But I believe, that you know, who is behind everything here and that you, like myself, want this stuff stopped and that we just want to know the TRUTH, and NO MORE lies.

Would like to finish with something, not many people seen before, a Super Rare US Military Pyramid shaped US Army 7stb challenge coin with center piece that spins.

Rare US Special Forces Group 

The military here brands should speak for itself who the real work for...!

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