tirsdag den 7. maj 2019

Søren Nielsen

Many people look at one as if you're crazy, if you say we have never been on the moon. 

Why do I say so?

That's why I'm writing this document to make others realize that it's all a big lie and that they do it to get money for their secret space program. And it exists and has been running since the 1950s and maybe before, thanks to the Nazi, and their wonder weapon.

But all that can be read about in my paper on "Opertation Paperclips".

What do NASA say about it.
As we get further away from Earth, we will pass through
"The Van Allen" belts, an area of dangerous radiation. 

Radiation like this can harm the guidance systems, on-board 
computers or other electronics on Orion. But Orion has 
protection. Shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cut
through the waves of radiation.

Sensors aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study.We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space.

And here is NASA Flight Engineer Kate Rubins:

"We are really pushing the boundaries in terms of where we`re going forward with exploration, I think humans are naturally driven to do this and this is really the beginning, I think of human beings leaving "low Earth Orbit", I certainly plan on being around to see that."

Scott Kelly and Barak Obama

And Commander Scott Kelly from the space station. It looks like that he know that we never have been to the Moon.

"It is bigger than what we have today. And it will be able to launch the Orion capsule with humans on board, as well as landers or other components to destination beyond Earth low orbit.

Right now we can only fly in Low Earth Orbit.

"That is the farthest we can go. The new system we`re building is going to allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar system to explore so the Moon, Mars, Asteroids there`s a lot of destiations that we could go to and we`re building these buliding block components in order to allow us to do that eventually."

NASA Engineer Kelly Smith

NASA engineer Kelly Smith admits they can't get past the Van Allen Belts.

And NASA Egineer Kelly Smith also built "Orion", "The Next Generation Rocket".:

"ORION will NOT have astronauts on board since IT WOULD be life risking journey. The trip thru "The Van Allen Belt" would have TO MUCH RADIATON and humans could NOT LIVE through that!"

Hang on, "In order to send humans through this region, we need to solve the challenge of getting through the Van Allen radiation belts?"

Didn`t you solve this challenge, back in 1969 when astronaut`s where sent to "The Moon" and subsequently 5 other times after that?

So how is it that we had the technology to achieve this amazing fete, back in 1969, but we`re still working on the technology in 2017, almost half a century later.??

"Ones we travel beyond low Earth orbit, the crew will be exposed to larger amounts of radiation. So we have to design both the crew protection systems and our electronic system to withstand this radiation."

And here we have "Astronaut Don Pettit", he talk about, why we can`t go to the Moon and in to space :

" I would go to the Moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don`t have the technolgy to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology and it`s a painful process to build it back again."

"Astronaut Don Pettit" said in 2013 on "TEDx",

"That no man ever left Earth in a rocket" and he called it 
"The tyranny of the rocket equation."

Who is Don Pettit. 

"Donald Roy Pettit (born April 20, 1955) is an American chemical engineer and a NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of two long-duration stays aboard the International Space Station, one space shuttle mission and a six-week expedition to find meteorites in Antarctica."

So we can say, that he know what he is talking about.

I have easily proven my point without a shadow of a doubt. But I`m sure that this damaging evidence is still not enough.

So we take this to the next level.

This here is the "Luna Module", now proudly displayed at the National Air and Space Museum. According to NASA the primary materials to build "the Luna Module" were:

"Aluminium alloy, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Nickel steel alloy, Heat resistant glass."

My Luna Module is made of almuinium and steel. I have everything you can buy of things that NASA say they used in space.

"The Luna Modole" 1/48

"The Apollo CSM" with the "LM" 1/48

I would say that I all most know everything about the CSM and the Luna Module, so now we will look, and I meen really look at the Luna Module.

Now if this is the case, we have a very serious discrepancy here. If you remember when I went through the different atmospheres that surround the Earth, both the thermosphere and the exosphere have temperatures ranging from 0 to 2000.

Here you can see the layers we have around Earth. And if we on Earth, we get the:

1. The Troposphere, and is is between 5 and 9 miles (8 and 14 kilometers) thick.

2. The Stratosphere, and is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick.

3. The Mesosphere, and is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick.

4. The Thermosphere, and is about 319 miles (513 kilometers) thick.“Thermo” means heat, and the temperature in this layer can reach up to 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Is also home to the International Space Station as in low Earth orbits.

5. The Exosphere, and is about 6,200 miles (10,000 kilometers) thick.

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