Søren Nielsen
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings.
To us they were "Giants" that ruled as "Gods" over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return.
The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed.
From the "Garden of Eden" to "the Great Flood"; from "the God of the Bible" to the secrets of "Enoch" all shall be revealed.
This is a story about a man called "Daniel S. Christiansen", born April 23, 1913 and died in Jan. 2, 2010.
To us they were "Giants" that ruled as "Gods" over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return.
The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed.
From the "Garden of Eden" to "the Great Flood"; from "the God of the Bible" to the secrets of "Enoch" all shall be revealed.
This is a story about a man called "Daniel S. Christiansen", born April 23, 1913 and died in Jan. 2, 2010.
Throughout his lifetime, he has made some great drawings. But I have tried to find out if it is something he has experienced or whether it is some vision he has had in dreams.
But for myself, when I look at these drawings, I see both "Anunnaki", "Egyptian" extraterrestrial gods.
And this is what I want to show here that this is a man of great knowledge of "Anunnaki" and "Egyptian"
extraterrestrial gods, and not just a "fool" who has made some great drawings.
I will start with some of his own words, he has written down on the things, you are going to see here.
The pictures represented above, except "The Winged Creature" and other objects excluded, was photographed at "Santos", Brazil, in 1967, by an American tourist.
His or her name was not given, but after 12 years, it developed that this picture of an obvious other-world invasion was considered fit for publication in the below named magazine.
After some thorough scrutiny by "Arial Phenomenon Research Organization" (APRO), it was finally released over the temporay title : "Lenticular Cloud Formation". But to this author`s mind, it would be more in line with the nature of "Clouds of Conealment".
Since the configuration of the clouds, resemble nothing we know to exist on this planet, it follows, that there must be an other world involved.
If the clouds were formed like smoke rings, it could be argued that air-blasts were the cause. But there is no evidence of that.
The shape they exhibit is simply none other than that of the so called "Flying Saucers", with some minor differences in construction and in application of the cloud-like material they exhibit.
Incidentally, the material appear to be of a somewhat similar substance as the one "The U.S. Military Aviation-production Group" is using as a means to confuse the radar in their project called "STEALTH".
This information is gained from a sketch made for television in the fall of 1980.
It bear mention that a considerable stealthiness was exhibited when the lenticular clouds passed over "Santos" and it took science years to come out with an answer, whose ambiguous meaning would satisfy those who prefered to believe that we, the earthlings, are the only intellingent beings in the univers - although the answer is very questionable in that, it is leaving room for an extraterrestrial science to be considered.
To consider this, with s sincere desire to know the truth, this abbrevisted attempt is dedicated.
Combining four events, as shown, spanning approxi. 2500 years:
- By the river "Chebar" and in the plains, approx. 500 years BC,
- Plus, by two twentieth century events, which have, baffled the scientists, who cared to took into it,
- And finally the event of combining the widely seperated occurrences.
This author, being a resident of the city whose newly constructed "landmark" is below the center of the picture above, have found it suitable to depict the phenomena sa shown.
The pier being in the process of re-building it, when in 1968, this artist became a resident and eventually came to see a back-ground for an ancient arial display, combined with modern arial realities.
The background for the arial objects, represent a comparatively resent development. It celebrated it`s centennial in 1980.
It is the city of "St. Petersburg" at "Tampa Bay", approx. 1980 years after the birth of "Christ", whose miraculous conception that was accredited "The Roman Emperors", whom, it was claimed, according to an ancient belief, was conceived by divine impregnat.
It was therefore only natural to claim the same for "Christ" - who was in fact seen (1*) ascending heaven-ward as far as into a cloud. (Acts 1.9.)
It bears mention that where and when the photograph was taken of the UFO, represented in two poses above to the right, namely the flying saucer with an inverted flame-like effusion of steam underneath it, was not revealed in the "OMNI" magazine in the January 1979 issue.
(1*) : It was witnessed by the apostles, and some time later, he revealed himself to "Soul", who was struck blind by a strong light from on high. Interpreting the incidents in the light of modern science and technology, the answer to the source of the light is evident.
Neither was the name of the photographer given, and absolutely no nothing was metioned about the picture - although to the minde of this writer, the picture represent the most revealing aspect of the object`s meanes of flight into airless space - not by any effect of thrust the steam may have, but by the effect of an invented field of gravity that forces the steam to go downward in place of upwards, where it normally would go.(2*)
The picture is on page 12 of said magazine while the picture of the lenticular clouds is on page 32.
As for the rest of the flying objects, it is my contention that it is a near likeness of what is described in "The Bible".
Contrary to the prevailing belief that it may stern from hallusionary visions, it has been clear to me, from well into twentieth century, after some personal experiences, plus after developments in electronics, that it was a matter of real experiences.
In view of this old event, depicted partly in the above, where the lower part of a cloud is revealed with some tell tale mechanical object, that has been made to emerge from deep within the cloud or more to the point - from their stationary gimbals deep within the craft, it becomes more evident, that we are not dealing in hallusinations.
The conically shaped appendage of the cloudhave, in my judgment, aflame-like exterior that is made of fibre, that may be illuminated with amber colored light, that will make it appear as if it a fire that infold itself -- plus the living crectures which are of a size that accommodate a human operator, a man or a woman, whose feet are placed insides, where the heel a of the mechanical creature would be and whose body, arms and head is concealed within the body-structure at creature, which is fitted out with television camera eyes - front and back-besides on it`s wings and hands - for to make operator aware of the things going on around him or herself.
The four faces serve as ornaments and as identification and in their heads house the peincipal elements, or the devices, for the aserasion of the whole(3*) unit.
The wings serves, as such, only while in the atmosphere, but may never the less serve when in space. The question about entry and exit of the operatore is a technical, one which may be answered by retering to (Ez.1.11.) When the creatures covered their bodies with their wings, even as it is shown above on the inverted pier-pyramide.
During such a pose, opening of parts of bodies and legs, for exchange of the guard, will be no couse for embarrassment.
The wheel within a wheel, (Ez.1.16.) this artist and inventor take to be an ideal arrangement for giving the inertial properties of the wheel`s gyroting inner members free play, when it is operating on the gound.
This outerr wheel or ring, goes around, what appears to be a more substantial wheel. The ring serve the purpose, the tracks of a tank does.
But it is all the more essential when the wheel within a wheel is working in the place it is made for... Namely in it`s gimbal, abcord the craft, end, when the inner wheel`s members are gyrotingwith a force that will give it the inertial stability one world have in a gyrostabilizer of a great ocean-liner.
This stability may however be overcome by the compersators one sees as small spheres on the outside of the wheel shown.
Since, according to the evidence given in the above, we are not dealing in science
The four faces serve as ornaments and as identification and in their heads house the peincipal elements, or the devices, for the aserasion of the whole(3*) unit.
The wings serves, as such, only while in the atmosphere, but may never the less serve when in space. The question about entry and exit of the operatore is a technical, one which may be answered by retering to (Ez.1.11.) When the creatures covered their bodies with their wings, even as it is shown above on the inverted pier-pyramide.
During such a pose, opening of parts of bodies and legs, for exchange of the guard, will be no couse for embarrassment.
The wheel within a wheel, (Ez.1.16.) this artist and inventor take to be an ideal arrangement for giving the inertial properties of the wheel`s gyroting inner members free play, when it is operating on the gound.
This outerr wheel or ring, goes around, what appears to be a more substantial wheel. The ring serve the purpose, the tracks of a tank does.
But it is all the more essential when the wheel within a wheel is working in the place it is made for... Namely in it`s gimbal, abcord the craft, end, when the inner wheel`s members are gyrotingwith a force that will give it the inertial stability one world have in a gyrostabilizer of a great ocean-liner.
This stability may however be overcome by the compersators one sees as small spheres on the outside of the wheel shown.
Since, according to the evidence given in the above, we are not dealing in science
(2*) : It may of course be argued that the downwared trust of the steam, does not prove anything. What appear to be steam, could be an artificially cooled gas that has been forced to go against on inverted Field of Gravity. Before any solution to the problem, be solved, it would be ..... to forside that we are here deling with or ....... mine where intention to be reveal. The being secret in???
(3*) : There may be other points about the creature that serve the purpose of inertial stability gear plus ... but the four heads of the creature are however the prinripal points to place the G-force generatoers
(3*) : There may be other points about the creature that serve the purpose of inertial stability gear plus ... but the four heads of the creature are however the prinripal points to place the G-force generatoers
Fictions, but are witnessing renasonable reproductions of actual encounters, it may be in order that we conjecture on the source of power and it`s application in the medium here offered, namely the wheels "Ezekiel" describe.
(There may be other ways available, but for the purpose of demonstration, the extraterrestrials choosed steam to indicate the phenomenon of the field of G-forces the wheels generated)
Since there is all the evidence, in "Old and New Testament", to substantiate my belief, that steam power played a big role, it follows that there was means for generating steam - it is presumed by atomic means - the latter part of era of "Moses" was indicative of evidence of that.
Except for such advanced means, how could the extraterrestrials reach "The Earth" and return & repeat the performance again and again?.
With respect to the wheel, the steam was conveyed to the gimbal, which in turn let it through into the two specially constructed radial turbines, within the wheel - which may independently, when detached from the gimbal - being fueled as a turbo-jet.
In this manner, the wheel will sustain operation without steam and may generate electricity during the while --- when it is not required to generate G-forces, which may be directed towards any point in the universe.
Thus we see how the root of "David" was accorded transportation to the vicinity of the morning star --- from whence his return is expected, (Acts 1, 10.)(Rev. 22, 16.)
Part of the fore-going is taken from the account of the milleniums old matter in the first and the tenth chapter of "Ezekiel" -- which, of course, has been supplemented with 20th century technical facts - plus some relevant inspirations that appear to have been gained thru telepathy, the basic one dating back half a century - or to 1934.
The wheel hovering above the creature to the right; the two creature pointing with hands mechanical in the directions of: this explanatory essay; the so called lenticular cloud in the upper left; the location chosen to have the creature and the wheels settle down - if only as a styreo-foame sculpture attraction - and last, but not least, the creature pointing with it`s left hand towards the flying object with steam coming from under it - the one that left science dumbfounded, but which this outhor take to be the most revealing, one of all I have seen in 35 years - all of these flying object came from, in the writer`s belief, from the solar system, the offspring of David journeyed to, after his ascension to within a cloud, (Acts.1.9.) but he waited 40 days, plus years in the atmosphere, till he got "Soul of Tarsus", his enemy from may back, converted and let him use his theologic theories to establish a basis for "Christianity".
A century AD, the root of "David", (Rev.22.16), paid his particular (1*) friend a visit, (Rev.1.12) while he also left a message for his churches in "Asia Minor".tie
(1*) : It was the son of the first "King of Israel", the heir to the throne, namely "Jonathan" who have been killed in battle, while his father, being wounded by an arrow, choosed to fall on his sword, rather than die at the hands of the enemy.
The wheels shown here, plus the living creature performing various prescribed deeds, plus the conspicuously and conically formed appeanaece of fire, with the colour of amber, which would give the appearance of a tornado, except for the glow of the fire, plus the over-head cloud that may be named a cloud, in the sense, that the clouds that were photographed in South America, were clouds, in which there were concealed crafts of great capacities, that even in our day and age may well be considered enormous, are all taken literally from the Bilical account, which could hardly have been interpreted literally till the time in the twentieth century, when the various elements "Ezekiel" described was finally evidenced as matter of fact, including such as the fire with thw color and the wheels with the color of a byrol stone - which was caused by colored light reflections.
For a twentieth century example of cloudes, we have - such as the lenticularclouds which
A century AD, the root of "David", (Rev.22.16), paid his particular (1*) friend a visit, (Rev.1.12) while he also left a message for his churches in "Asia Minor".tie
(1*) : It was the son of the first "King of Israel", the heir to the throne, namely "Jonathan" who have been killed in battle, while his father, being wounded by an arrow, choosed to fall on his sword, rather than die at the hands of the enemy.
The wheels shown here, plus the living creature performing various prescribed deeds, plus the conspicuously and conically formed appeanaece of fire, with the colour of amber, which would give the appearance of a tornado, except for the glow of the fire, plus the over-head cloud that may be named a cloud, in the sense, that the clouds that were photographed in South America, were clouds, in which there were concealed crafts of great capacities, that even in our day and age may well be considered enormous, are all taken literally from the Bilical account, which could hardly have been interpreted literally till the time in the twentieth century, when the various elements "Ezekiel" described was finally evidenced as matter of fact, including such as the fire with thw color and the wheels with the color of a byrol stone - which was caused by colored light reflections.
For a twentieth century example of cloudes, we have - such as the lenticularclouds which

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