fredag den 7. juni 2019

 266,000 YEARS OLD.
Søren Nielsen

When we look at these pre-adamite records of what these guyes are telling us, it maps together very nicely with the actual archaeological ruins that we find around the world.

What get even more interesting is when we get into the idea that in the post Atlantean catastophe world, meaning post 12.500 years ago.

2 pre-adamite groups survived with vastly limited resources. One group in Europe and Asia which becomes "the Egyptian faironic line",

and the other group in "Mesoamerica", which becomes "the Mesoamerican priesthood".

The king list go back 266.000 years, now that`s kind of interesting because modern scientists believe that the first humans like us, came into existence less than 200.000 years ago and they believe that the first civilizations where where you would have kings and urban areas and social organization, they believe that all started 6 or 7 thousand years ago.

So, to have these "Sumerian King List", going back 266.000 years, is really amazing. The actual artifact itself is engraved in cuneiform text and during that time and era, people didn`t just carve these types of things into stone, just for a hobby it`s real information, real data in real history.

Now the actual artifact itself is located in the Ashmolean Museum in University of Oxford, England.

What`s so incredible about it, is that "The King List" gives "The Reign of the Kings and Sars", but what is a "Sars".

The Sumerian state that this "Sars" is about 3.600 years and for example "King Alulim", actually ruled for "8 Sars", so in human years that would be 28.000 years.

When we look at "the Sumerian Kings List", we see that the more recent part of the list, actually corresponds very nicely with historical records that`s very interesting, because when you look at "the Kings List" in its entirety, you go all the way back to the alleged origin of "the Anunnaki" on Earth, tinkering with our DNA starting 250.000 years ago.

Supposedly when you get into this "Sumerian" doctrine, the idea is that were created as a slave race, approximately 250.000 years ago and it was "Enki" supposedly the good guy, in the battle of the two brothers "Enki" and "Enlil", who created us this way and we were manufactured by "Enki" to become able to reproduse, whereas prior to that point we were bred to be sterile.

So that they could make a certain number of these clones, they could send them out there to work, they died and there`s no threat of them becoming their own race.

My research I used, the term devolution or devolved and for me that means a couple of things. One thing it meanes, is that as conscious beings we originally exist on some higher levle of reality, that I call the level of pure consciousness and the ruling principle of that level of pure consciousness is harmonious loving cooperation among all conscious beings of the source of all conscious beings.

Some conscious beings become egotistical, they develop a desire to control, dominate and exploit others and they can no longer exist on that higher level of pure consciousness, there has to be some other reality for them to act out their selfish desires to dominate control and exploit others that is the material level of reality, so that process by which a conscious self descends from that higher level of reality into the world of matter is what I call devolution (transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration.

So the conscious selves on this level of reality are devolved and that means they don`t evolve up from matter, they devolve or come down from this higher level of reality.

"Lawrence Gardner" he was tracking the whole significance of certain bloodlines, going back into "Mesopotamia", I was encountering exactly the same information coming in to my investigations of an "Alien" presence on Earth and throughout the solar system.

We found that we met at sort of a same point and that was that in "Mesopotamia" that all of "the Anunnaki" were supposed to be reptilian and that the reptilian biology had blood, that was dominated by copper and that they literally had blue colored blood, we have red because we have an iron dominant blood, so our discussion from his history and my trying to get into it, through "Aliens" that have been dominating the Earth, was the blue blood reptilians of "Mesopotamia" led to a group called "The Merovingians". 

"The Merovingians" ty later in the timeline directly to "France", "Germany" in that area of Europe, because for some reason that bloodline, "The Blue Bloods", went to Europe.

"Lawrence Gardner" and other people`s work coming through royalty blue blood, tie this connection between "The Reptilians", "The Merovingians" and "The Mesopotamia" and they were literally a reptilian blue blood line.

The reason we`re here is somehow or other we`ve made decisions that disqualify us from existing on that higher plane.

So the main purpose of human life according to many ancient wisdom traditions is to restore consciousness to its original pure state and there are higher beings in this universe who are trying to help us do that and one of the ways that they help us do that, is by providing places on Earth, where it becomes easier to engage in the processes of meditation and yoga and contemplation thathelp restore consciousness to ots original state, where it`s easier to do that.

You could call them embassies from the spiritual world.

The movement of ancient konwledge is really hard widens an understanding of perfection and harmony in these places.

The idea was to bring into physical focus that which is absolutely perfect. The idea was to build in the center of these cities, a temple of humanity, where everything that is perfect in terms of "measure", "geometry", "energy", everything that is invisible is manifested in formal space, that allows an entire society to vibrate to that perfection and become perfect with ourselves.

So depending on who`s got control of this, it works and then it doesn`t, if you go to central "Paris", there is a sense that there`s something perfect about, that were drawn to it "Luxor" in Egypt, which itself is also a mirror image of places in "Sumerian"and they are a mirror image of temples, which are no longer above the gound, they`re now underwater

So the idea was always the same to establish perfection on Earth, so that humans couldn`t realize their greatest potential.

It`s just about working with energy, energy doesn`t know what it is. Energies just energy, it`s not right or wrong, if you add intent to it, it defines the direction where the energy goes and that was the idea, behind all the ancient cultures to create these ancient ideas, put your correct intent into it and create greatness or not.

When we look at our moden civilization and think that we`ve evolved so much. Let`s not forget that "Sumer" is the cradle of civilization and that so much of what started there, is still in place in our modern world.

This includes the entire system of how we measure time, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day.

The way in which we structure our cities, the idea of plumbing, the idea of City Planning with streets and buildings, all of that stuff comes directly from this "Sumerian" background, which seems to in conventional historical view, pop up almost out of nowhere from what had been up until then a hunter-gatherer type of culture.

We also see the whole basis of the "Code of Hammurabi" and written codified laws, which actually started again in "Sumer".

We see the development of a money system in "Sumer". We see the roles of men and woman this sort of patriarchal society, also appearing in "Sumer" and therefore so much of what we have in our modern world hasn`t changed since the time of "Sumer" and if we expand our consciousness a little bit and consider that the written history of "Sumer" is not what we hear about in our textbooks.

That it actually is a 250 thousand year old civilization. It would appear that the gods built that civilization or what some have called "The Archons" and that they in fact built this whole system on purpose to withstand the test of time and to create a form of silent tyranny.

With the money system comes the ability for small groups of people to determine who lives and who dies, who eats and who straves to become incredibly powerful because, there is no common sharing of the wealth of the planet.

It seems to be acceptable to the people, it seems that it`s a fair system, but it`s very easily controlled by the elite power structure and allows them to effectively imprison an entire planet and it allows them to wield an unnaturally high degree of control.

First there was nothing and all of a sudden, we have civilization after civilization, to have "mathematics", "Culture", they`re buliding monuments, they`re performing agricultural feats.

I believe that all of that, can be equated to the introduction of these cereal grains into our DNA, because she was actually affecting human DNA at that time, through a number of different experiment.

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