søndag den 21. april 2019

Søren Nielsen

If "Elon Musk" is such a friend to humanity, why not tell the truth about "SpaceX" and "Space".

Because in the beginning when he just came out in the media that he told some truths.

He knows today that no one cannot leave "Low Earth Orbit" in a rocket. He also knows none of his so-called "Micro satellites" have ever been sent into space.

He also knows that his so-called "Mars" Project never turns into anything, because no people have ever been farther away than "Low Earth Orbit", with the technology we have here today on Earth, unless he is part of the "Secret Space Program", and then we know who he belongs to.

I swear that if "Elon Musk" went to the media and told what he knew about "NASA", "Space", yes, all he knew about all the cheats all the agencies are doing to the American people, then it would not be "Yolanda Renee King" but "Elon Musk" who would become President after "Donald Trump", in 2028, because as we know, "Donald Trump" will be re-elected as US President.

But as things are today, it is "Yolanda Renee King" who becomes President after "Donald Trump", and not only that, but also the first woman, and not just the first woman, but also the first black woman who "President of the United of America".

So is "Elon Musk" friend or enemy to the people, think very hard about it, before you answer.

Because, what do you really know about "Elon Musk", before you heard about the Tesla car, had you ever heard of him...?

A little bit of "Barack Hussein Obama", no one had ever heard of him before they saw him as President candidate on television.

Always be aware that the "Elite" thinks 30 to 50 years into the future, because they have "The Looking Glass".

And if you think like me, there is never anything that can get behind you, because you will always be prepared for the future, just like myself.

Because I do like them, just in a slightly different way, and it is in a way that I will not tell here.

But let me just say here that I am right about what will happen until the year 2031.

And so far I have been right in 3 out of 3 things that would happen, and only by thinking for myself and being able to see the big picture by putting all the little pictures together.

So if you do it too, then you will get a completely different view of the world as it is today. You will realize that you have been fooled by your governments.

Open your eyes and your mind and you will see everything much more clearly.

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