tirsdag den 8. januar 2019

Søren Nielsen

The future! How many times have you said, I wish I could see the future?.

What I want to tell now is for some very difficult to understand, but I think I have a view on what will happen in the future, in the near future.

The future I am talking about is about 2019 - 2020 and 2028 - 2029.

And what's going to happen that will change the whole world and its future...so here we go.

First the headlines and then what will happen.

Start 2019 to 2020.

January 2019 : A huge and massive spike of UFO sightings.
This isn`t just hoaxes, it`s a giant spike, people are seeing them everywhere, it`s doesn`t look like it`s fake and that`s when people start to believing that there is Aliens worldwide.

February 2019 : Massive snowstorm.
Massive snowstorm hits the Midwest in the United States of America and multiple cities are wiped out by the snowstorm. It is the biggest snowstorm in history.

April 2019 : The first officially functioning robotic eye .
The first officially functioning robotic eye is released, allowing any blind person to finally see for the first time.

June 2019An implanted chip.
An implanted chip allowed paralyzed people to walk again.

January 2020 A1 Machidan Android.
Controversy began after the release of the A1 Machidan Android as protesters are against the new technology.

From 2028 to 2029

August 2028: "Time Travel"
Time Travel Technology and the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life is released to the public.

November: “Yolanda Renee King” 
Yolanda Renee King” elected as president of the United States at just 20 years old.

February 2029: An chip "The One".
An chip known as “The One” is released to allows people to pay, stay healthy, and expand their natural brain function.

Here what's going to happen.

In the future aliens come to the Earth in 2028. In the year 2028 time travel also is revealed to the public, by the government, believe it or not, but this is the facts.

I do not change them in any way, this is what happens in future.

In the future Aliens are also found, they crash all over the world and we uncover them and we become peaceful with Aliens.

Aliens are something, I cannot describe with my words, it`s more of a thing you have to see yourself. My best way of saying it is that they have really bold skin, they`re kind of slender like and they are humanoid, but not at the same time, it is very hard to explain.

I was a little nervous at first, because we were out in the open and anyone could see where we were, but now we are in a private space and I can officially talk about the future privately with you guys, so in the future, where do I start, there`s so much.

First of all, the next war will be with “North Korea”, you might believe it`s not going to be like this because of all the treaties and alliances there are happening with “North Korea”, but that is not what`s gonna happen, “North Korea” will go back to the old ways and we`re gonna start a war.

I`m not supposed to say this, but in future humans are actually starting to be plugged into computers, into a simulation, a kind of like, in the movie “Matrix”, where they plug into the cerebral cortex on the back of their heads and people are literally in computers, it`s the first step to immortality.

Me saying this is very dangerous, I`m probably setting a lot of alarms right now in the government.

There are people looking for me because I`m talking about how the future is like, and if I stop appearing in the future, if I ever disappear all of a sudden, trust me it`s something bad, because I`ve set off so many alarms, that I feel like as it time to be caught by the government pretty soon and they WILL find me and eventually take me somewhere, I don’t know where, but my goal right now is to tell you guys as much as possible about the future.

Schools are also changed “Common Core” education is discarded and is replaced with whole new form Education that is way more effective, it is more personalized education, so people have their own way of learning.

People are separated in two ways, they learn by a simple test, when you`re a child and you take several tests growing up to realize what way they learn, since everyone is different.

These people are put in specific classrooms to learn in the way that they can fully understand and it`s highly effective and our education rate completely skyrockets. The education is not uninteresting or boring to the students anymore or young teenagers, it`s actually interesting because it`s a way they can learn correctly to them.

AI” is huge in the future, same with “Virtual Reality”, those are really big advances, there`s also a thing called “Augmented Reality”, people can now put on goggles and see mostly anything they want in the future, it`s really really crazy and I feel like if anyone from this time went into 2030 they would completely be dumbfounded about how amazing it is.

Honestly there`s so much I could talk about, “AI” completely controls the government and the government officials you see, only take up around 10 percent of the government, the rest of the government is worked by 90 percent “AI” as I said before, countries are becoming less prevalent, globalism is more popular than nationalism, there are less borders and currency is being like mushed together, into “One global currency”.

The World goes by “one flag”, it is several rings attach each other and that`s what a lot of people consider themselves, they consider themselves “residents of Earth”, not residents in America, residents in Europe, residents in Asia, they consider themselves “People of Earth”.

Aliens even make us more United because, now that there`s another species that is intelligent living amongst us, we consider ourselves “People that live on Earth”, we consider the whole World as one giant country. The world population goes past 11 billion people and it starts going extremely high at a very fast rate.

The planet that the Aliens come from is referred to as “Lewis 33”, it`s because the astronomer who discovered it was named “Lewis”, but the scientific name for it is “369”.

That`s what more people refer to it as “369”, it is a really really really confusing planet, they have of course have harbored life forms, but we cannot live on there normally breathing because there percentage of nitrogen in their air is a lot higher than ours and they become immune to it, but for us it`s a deadly amount, the nitrogen of our air is around 78 percent, but the nitrogen in their air is around 90 percent which is a considerable amount and obviously you cannot breathe this air, but this Aliens are way different than us and it`s remarkable what these Aliens can. 

Some day I`m like am I trying to in some way show you guys how these people look like the best way I can describe them to you are there are mix with “Alligators”, “Seahorses” and with like very bold skin, they are scaly, it`s like their skin forms scales, like they have normal human skin, but form into a type of skill pods on their arms and legs and move around on their body.

This is what happens in the future, this is just a warning, but you guys have to change it. In the future people even live in the air and in space, as it evolved, it as in below.

People live in space, they live on Mars as well, think about that, people have discovered ways to live on Mars.

There are “Terra” forms on Mars and people live there and then people live on Earth, people also live on the new planet “369”. And some people even live below in the deep oceans. The cities in the deep oceans are pretty dark, but it`s really a thing you what to see in your life and the crazy thing about this is, this is only 9 years away.

9 years until this all starts to happening, it is basically Industrial Revolution number 2 and it all starts in the year 2028.

To back to the "369", that is when I knew that it was genuine documents because "369" is a quote from "Nikola Tesla" that sounds like this : 

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