torsdag den 14. september 2017

By Søren Nielsen

Billedresultat for international peace day 2017

Everyone knows that the UN has International Day of Peace every year and according to UN, resolution established the International Day of peace day in 1981 to coincide with the open of the UN General Assembly and the first peace day was celebrated in 1982 and was held in the third day Tuesday of September each year until 2002, where they made September 21st became the permanent date for the International Day of Peace and each year the International day of peace is observed around the world on the September 21st.

The UN General Assembly has declared that this day is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and people`s. 
Okay it`s the international day of Peace, why are you bringing this up....?

It is Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. The 70th anniversary of the UN Resolution acknowledging Israel as a state and the 50th anniversary or Jubilee year for Jerusalem 

The International Day of Peace falls this year on the eve of Rosh Hashanah "FEAST OF TRUMPETS". The Feast of trumpets. September 21st Rosh Hashanah begins on September 22nd, but September 21st is the International Day of Peace.

Some of you who really know your Bible know where I`m going with this, yes i am going to go to first Thessalonians, chapter 5, where Paul talks about when they say "Peace and Safety" then sudden destruction cometh upon them like labor pains upon a woman, but before i do that, i what to make sure that you know that this year 2017 for the Internaitonal day of peace is very significant this year, much different than any other year, besides the fact that it`s falling at the eve of the Feast of Trumpets.

There is another reason why this year`s the International day of peace at the UN is so prophetic and her is why.

Check this out, so every year they have a theme for the International day of peace, every year it`s titled differently, they`ve been doing this for years.

We`ll start here in 2014 and this year they titled the UN International day of Peace "The right of peoples to peace".

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Now let`s move on to 2015. 2015 they tied on the International Day of Peace, "Partnerships for peace, dignity for all

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and then in 2016 they named it does "the sustainable Development goals building blocks for peace", 

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and now for 2017 what do they name it, hope you`re sitting down "Together for peace and respect, safety and dignity for all".

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I what you to think about this, they never reuse a theme name ever. Every year they use a completely different theme name, they never reuse a theme name, so they will never use the name peace and safety ever again to describe the International day of peace for the UN for the World. 

Think about that and in the midst of everything that`s going on in Bible prophecy that`s fulfilling right now, there are just countless things happening right now that points towards the return of Yeshua is very soon.

Now normally i would use the King James Bible, but here i want to use the NIV, because the NIV titles their sections and as you see right here, The 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, "The Day of the Lord", titled over this section.

"For you know very well that the day of the Lord, will come like a thife in the night. While people are saying, Peace and Safety", destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape".

The seven-year tribulation is the time where God is purging all sin, mainly all your sinners from the earth, these guys are not going to be able to escape this time, they will go into the rocks in case they fall on us, how does from the wrath of Lamb with the book of Revelation says during the sixth seal, but they will not escape Yahshua will catch up with them and they will be killed during the tribulation one way or another by Yahshua and we see that in Bible where Yahshua rolled, was dipped in blood, he treads the winepress alone and if any of them survive, the tribulation the knuckle behind on the ground, because the Bible says Yahshua will send up his harvesters, the angels and they will gather up all the terrors and put them in the bundles and prepare them for the fire and I`m paraphrasing that right now, so which means if you got these high end elite class people, 1500 miles underneath the earth, think they`re caping the wrath of God, wrong, a angel will come down there and get you, i promise you that, if one you dirtbags are reading this.

An Angel will be assigned to you specifically to you, and that angel knows exactly where you are and will go down into the earth no matter where you are, and he`ll say "hey, you have an appointment in the valley of Jehosaphat for the ruler of the earth, Yahshua, the angel will grab that person and take them directly in fact there be more of a portal transfer from that point to the valley Jehoshaphat in the blink of an eye and that person`s gonna be judged was with the Lambs and the goats or just gonna be set aside for the fire.

So moving on here, now right after it says here "peace and safety", "destruction will come upon them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape."

The labor pains begins almost instantly after they declare peace and safety throughout the world.


Pentagon and US Military Seize Foreign Capitals and Occupy Them.

That why there is a war with Iraq and Syria, because in Iraq it is the Olie and in Syria, it`s the Gold and the money. 

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