søndag den 3. september 2017

Military-Industrial Complex
Is Ready To Steel 
300 Billion Again.
By Søren Nielsen

Going  into outer space is very expensive. It cost 10.000 $ to put a pound of anything, just into near-eart orbit.

That is your weight in gold.

Now, to put you on the moon cost about 100.000 $ a pound, and put on mars, would cost over a million dollars a pound.

That is your weight in diamonds.

The Space Shuttle.
As a vehicle that would fly over 50 times a year. Commuting to space every two week`s is the plan NASA come up with.

If you measure it by taht metric, the program was a complete and utter failure. And The shuttle program did not out the way it was supposed to.

It was supposed to be 10 million $ a flight, and it ended up 1.2 billion $ a flight, so you know it missed by 1200 time over.

You look at the space program, "oh, that`s so cool, the space shuttle, that amazing." Then you know, "this is great", and then you really look at it and you realize, "hold it, they`re not going anywhere, they`re not doing anything".

The Space Shuttle it is a bus or a truck flying with cargo up to the space station so that it can be done, which should have been 1994, but it was only in 2010.

The Space Station.
The space station cost over 100 billion $, but a lot of the space station was wasteful, because the science done on the space station, was actually minimal.

See, i`m not criticizing the space station, what i`m saying is, what does the space station do for the man on the street.?

They don`t know.

If you have a program, which costs 150 billion $, and you ask the person on the street, "what are you getting for this", and they don`t know.

Then NASA missed the vision.

Main areas of space.
Space in the 21st century is very different from the spacecraft that characterized the space age's start. For an overview, we have chosen to divide space traffic into three main areas:

  • The required space
  • The scientific spacecraft
  • The manned spacecraft

The space required is, in short, the part of space transport, which has proved absolutely necessary both for the modern society to function and for securing a military power balance in space. It is the space needed, which is why space has gradually become international with now six major space powers.

(This is what i think, WHY, do we need a military power balance in space ??, we are not out there, and we are only in near-eart orbit and why do we need weapons in space..?? I don`t see anyone from another planet there is threat to the Earth, have you see anyone, for i don`t, and that is why the military-Industrial Complex is a threat to the peace in space, and in the world)

September 12, 1962 
President John F. Kennedy 
send a message that was clear: 

"We have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

Although Kennedy at first glance appears idealistic, his motives can be discussed. And at no point does he underestimate the importance of power balance and a real space race with the Soviet Union:

I do not say that we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war…"

His words indicate that in order to ensure peace and harmony in space, Americans had to come first. Thus, the lines are characterized by the Soviet space motifs being hostile and negative:

Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war.” 

The United States needed a future plan, which should give them the psychological and technological acquisition. A manned moon landing was thus decided.

Although the military industrial complex played or did not play a role in the CIA's analysis, the report gives a picture of the interests the US government had in keeping a watchful eye on the Soviet activities. 

It is witnessing a Cold War conflict, where the superpowers' weapons and spacecraft had high priority for the US government, which so far wanted to be technologically and militaryly superior. 

It also emphasizes how to deal with the threat of the east by ensuring the country's superiority regarding the country's capabilities - technological, economic, political and military. 

These foreign policy capabilities capabilities were demonstrated through the United States innovative spacecraft projects and propaganda, which can be considered as foreign policy instruments. 

The moon landing in 1969 would become the ultimate symbol of US technological domination.

CIA and NASA fake the Moon landing in 1969.
When you look a little deeper on what NASA did to the launch of Apollo 11, they would never have been able to reach it until the time that JFK promised.

Take for example, Armstrong, when he had to test fly landing the module. It crashed, and Armstrong had to use the ejection seat in order not to die in crashed.

So in July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin reached the surface of the moon in front of over 600 million television viewers.

Prior to this event, a decade was marked by an intense race between the two superpowers of the world. 24 billion. dollars had Americans used on this mission since Kennedy in 1961 announced that the United States intended to set foot on the moon before the decade was over.

And in front of the 600 million television viewers witnessed an invaluable propaganda and prestige victory for the United States. In addition, the Americans finally managed to cement their technological and scientific superiority.

Thus, the space race, and the contemporary Cold War tensions, including had a major impact on the world's skepticism with the United States, that's why the United States did not take any risk that something could go wrong when sending the first to the moon.

There was so much at stake that they were and willing to make a fake moon landing, killing everyone who will tell their secret about the moon landing.

Not only that, the CIA and NASA have lied to the whole world about the moon landing, and lied about the money they should have been spent on the space program, which they have stolen and used on all their "Deep Black Programs", as it is today, if the President call and asked about the "Deep Black Programs", the man on the phone will say, "If  a program like that exists, it`s a "Need to Know and you don`t need to know". and hang up the phone.

That is where we are today, The CIA run`s everything, not NSA - DoD - FBI, The CIA.

NASA talking about going to Mars. 
And now, NASA again wants to spend billions of dollars on a new lie. Is it because the computer today has become so good, so it is no problem to make a false landing on Mars, and put 2 to 300 billions dollars in there pocket.

Today, people have not found out to get past The Van Allen Belt, as NASA's own employees, the inventor of the spacecap, even say that once they have found the solution, they can begin their preparations for a Mars mission.

A mission to Mars cost 541 billion $ and putting a human on Mars is resource-intensive. With the very high price of having people in space, it is understood that all that can be left is robots, will be left to them. A good example of the way to think about is a new plan for a flight to Mars.

The basic idea is that there is really no reason to land people on Mars. It costs a lot of fuel and supplies, and then there are all the problems with the dust and the frequent dust storms.

And that is why alot of humans in the world today, belive that it`s all fake, just so the super rich, can get more rich and get more power.

Becouse are you looking on the Apollo Space Program, Then you find out that the US was number 2 in the space program and not number 1, take a look.

This every time the Soviet Union was First. 

Soviet Union First.

Rocket Formula. 
First Satellite in Orbit. (Sputnik 1, October, 1957)
First Animal in Space.(February 23, 1966)
First Human in Space.(March 19, 1965)
First Woman in Space. 
First Black person in Space. 
First to land on the Moon.(February 3, 1966)
First Lunar Rover. 
First to Photograph the fare side of the Moon.(August 9, 1967)
First to Photograph Earthrise from the Moon. 
First to land on Venus. 
First to land on Mars. (July 21, 1976)
First to Space walk.(March 18, 1965)
First Spaceship to Spaceship transmission. (April 20, 1971)
First Space Station. (April 20, 1971)
Longest time logged in Space
Most rellabel manned Vehicle

If the NASA was number 1 in the world, WHY can`t they show a HD photo from the Moon, and WHY have they not been back on the Moon, and WHY can`t the show a 360 cam shoot from the space station. Why why why why....!

NASA can start there, so the can win the people`s respect of the worlds. When they have do that, then maby we will start to trust NASA again.

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