Søren Nielsen

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes".
- Eisenhower`s farewell address, 1961.
In the morning of May 7, 1945 Germany surrendered, effectively ending World War II in Europe.
However thousands of German military personnel is still left scattered thoughout the world. During the war Germany had developed many advanced technologies, including the "V-1" flying bomb, the "V-2 Rocket" and the "Messerschmitt 262 jet fighters".
These advancements were kept highly secret, but now that Germany had fallen, they were up for grabs.
Germany had already been split into three zones of post-war control duing the Yalta Conference a couple months before the war ended.
This meant that American, Soviet and English Intelligence teams racing to retrieve as much precious equipment as they could before the division took place.
America was trying to recover equipment and weapons, but the most important of all was the Nazi scientists.
The joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, "JIOA" for short, was directly responsible for "Operation Paperclip" the campaign to get the sciences away from the Soviet, so they could work for the United Stats of America.
However in order to gain the upper hand, war criminals were never tried, they instead swiftly integrated into the newly formed Militray-Industrial Complex.
Even some convicted criminals were hired, this raises an important question,: "Is the integration of Nazi into Cold War America, caused an ideological contamination of government".
Operation Paperclip - The Hunt for Nazi Scientists
In June of 1944, Allied forces commence an attack on German occupied France, as American troops push back the German lines, small groups of intelligence officers, know as "T-forces" followed.
The "T-forces" objective was to gather up German technology, research materials and technicians to bring them back for evaluation.
U.S. and British engineers of the Alsos Mission dismantle a German nuclear pile in Haigerloch in April 1945
It soon became apparent however that in order to completely understand this new technology, the brains that developed it, would be needed as well, but the President flatly refused to sign any papers that would allow such operations.
Fearing that without these scientist, the US would be fatally crippled in the upcoming conflict with Russia.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff overlooked "FDR`s" refusal, this might have eventually became a problem, had it not been for "FDR`s" death on April 12, 1945. (He was Killed)
"Truman" was now in controlled of the White House and taken completely by surprise and not having been briefed about the growing problems with Soviet Russia during his few weeks as "Vice President" was in no position to seize the reins of government.
With the Cold War imminent the Joint Chiefs of Staff, decided to have to really appoint a President Truman to extend operation and forecast.
The Joint Intelligence Committee, which was the intelligence branch of Joint Chiefs of Staff, set up its own subcommittee.
"JIOA" was created for the soul purpose of directing "Operation Paperclip" with the exploitation branch under Army Intelligence from the War Department General Staff from charges a physical execution of the project.
This tangled web of sister agencies and subcommittees, the government was able effectively hide, twist and erase many parts of these messy sciences asks.
So President Truman had expressed his concerns of having Nazis work in the USA, much as Roosevelt did, there was no way he would be able to verify anything these agencies do.
"Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun" was arguably the highest profile scientist to be brought from Germany under "Operation Paperclip".

During World War II, "Wernher Von Braun" had worked for the German for the German army developing the "V-2 Rocket" which the US realized had great potential, coupled with their newly perfected atom bomb.
"Wernher Von Braun" was initially labelled as a security risk, the office of the military government United States, the body responsible for post-war occupation of Germany found it hard to reach a conclusion about "Wernher Von Braun".
The areas where he had worked were now under Soviet control and the Americans could not find hard evidence one
way or another.
They did know that the Dora concentration camp with the sole source of labor for the V-2 factory, that there was no evidence directly linking him to it.
"Wernher Von Braun" has since gone to start the space program in conjunction with NASA.
He was the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle and his work on rockets led to the space shuttle and the International Space Station, however some people disagreed that he`s an American Hero.
"Arthur Rudolph" on the other hand is a different story.
"Arthur Rudolph", after immigrating to the U.S. and playing key roles in the Pershing missile and Apollo programs, was forced to renounce his U.S. citizenship and return to Germany; the West German government, citing the statute of limitations, never charged him and eventually granted him citizenship.
"Arthur Rudolph" was production director from 1934 to 1945 ans was in charge of the prisoner labor supply office, yhis meant that he was directly responsible for not only the number of workers in the factories, but also their conditions.
He controlled the hours, the food and drink, and less directly, the treatment of the prisoners by his subordinates.
At first this information was pushed a side but it eventually caught up with him, when in 1984, already happily retired, he received a visit by the Office of Special Investgations.
Over the past couple years they had been gathering information about his war crimes.
After admitting to the utilization of slave laborers and not wanting to face trial "Arthur Rudolph" pronounced his US citizenship and left the country for Germany.
But America didn`t only bring engineers from Germany, many doctors were sent to the US as well.
"Hermann Becker-Freyseng" was a doctor who joined the Nazi Party in 1933, he worked for the Luftwaffe on projects dedicated to helping pilots survived in cases of aircraft malfunction and open sea crashes.
He worked in the "Medical Experimental and Instruction Division" of the aviation medicine Research Institute.
On May 19, 1944 "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" attended a conference concerning the potability of seawater, he and another scientist "Schafer" represented the chief of medical service of the Luftwaffe.
In his closing statement at the conference "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" expressed his concerns, that the experiments were not conducted at realistic enough conditions of sea distress and needed to be tested to a greater extent.
Because such experiments would likely result in death, using volunteers was out of the question, instead Dachau concentration camp inmates were used.
One of the most well-known was that detailed in a paper published by him and "Konrad Schäfer" entitled "Thirst and Thirst Quenching in Emergency Situations at Sea".
For the experiments, the academics had personally asked "Heinrich Himmler" for 40 healthy camp inmates who were then forced to drink salt water or in some cases had it injected into their veins.
Half the subjects were then given a drug called berkatit whilst all were subjected to an invasive liver biopsy without anaesthetic.
All subjects died, including those given the berkatit, which proved toxic.
"Hermann Becker-Freyseng" later assisted in carrying out the experiment, and because of this he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg, though he later appealed and the sentence was commuted to 10 years.
Given responsibility for collecting and publishing the research undertaken by him and his colleagues, the resulting book, German Aviation Medicine: World War II, appeared just after "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" began his prison sentence.
However, in 1946 "Hermann Becker-Freyseng`s" name was amongst a list of twenty drawn up by "Harry George Armstrong" who were to be brought to the United States to assist in the development of American space medicine.
Along with "Kurt Blome", "Siegfried Ruff" and "Konrad Schäfer", he was taken to the USA and put to work on projects related to the space race.
In 1947 at the doctor`s trial at Nuremberg "Kurt Blome", the chief of research on bacteriological warfare in Germany during World War II, was accused of being responsible for experiments on involuntary human subjects, and quote:
"The murder and mistreatment of tens of thousands of Polish nationals."
The human experiment with plague vaccines and various bacterial "Kurt Blome" carried out at the Dachau concentration camp were well known and have been documented, but under US pressure "Kurt Blome" was acquitted.
Two months later he was moved to the United States after the "JIOA" have conceal any records that mentioned the Nuremberg trials for his war crimes.
In 1951 "Kurt Blome" signed papers agreeing to work for the US Army Chemical Corps.
Each one of the scientists had something to contribute to their respective fields, but how does one weigh the benefits, these people were once Nazis, which must somehow have carried over to their work later on in life, some of them were even convicted as war criminals.
Then the US government employed them and simply hid their Nazi past from the public, the government certainly still has this power to manipulate history.
In 1998 the Senate passed the Nazi war crimes Disclosure Act. The Act declared that Nazi war criminal records should not be protected any longer by the government, however most of the Disclosure Act is simply a list of possible reasons for exemption and many records remain undisclosed to the public.
In the case of "Operation Paperclip" key government agencies made decisions concerning the greater public good.
They decided which war criminals were worth bringing into the country without any real checks what they were doing.
That`s just the tip of the iceberg, all these war criminals that came over from Germany and some of them were Jews.
Don`t kid yourself some of these guys were Jews, I guess they would be called sympathizers or collaborators, but they were brought over as well and when they started the CIA, they were interested, the American government and scientists were extremely interested in "MKULTRA".
All you see here is all provable and google-able, check it out for yourselves, this really happened.
Under the leadership of "Dr. Hubertus Strughold", 34 scientists accepted contracts from "Project Paperclip" and were movede to "Randolph Air Force Base" in San Antonio, Texas.
They did know that the Dora concentration camp with the sole source of labor for the V-2 factory, that there was no evidence directly linking him to it.
"Wernher Von Braun" has since gone to start the space program in conjunction with NASA.
He was the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle and his work on rockets led to the space shuttle and the International Space Station, however some people disagreed that he`s an American Hero.
"Arthur Rudolph" on the other hand is a different story.

"Arthur Rudolph", after immigrating to the U.S. and playing key roles in the Pershing missile and Apollo programs, was forced to renounce his U.S. citizenship and return to Germany; the West German government, citing the statute of limitations, never charged him and eventually granted him citizenship.
"Arthur Rudolph" was production director from 1934 to 1945 ans was in charge of the prisoner labor supply office, yhis meant that he was directly responsible for not only the number of workers in the factories, but also their conditions.
He controlled the hours, the food and drink, and less directly, the treatment of the prisoners by his subordinates.
At first this information was pushed a side but it eventually caught up with him, when in 1984, already happily retired, he received a visit by the Office of Special Investgations.
Over the past couple years they had been gathering information about his war crimes.
After admitting to the utilization of slave laborers and not wanting to face trial "Arthur Rudolph" pronounced his US citizenship and left the country for Germany.
But America didn`t only bring engineers from Germany, many doctors were sent to the US as well.

"Hermann Becker-Freyseng" was a doctor who joined the Nazi Party in 1933, he worked for the Luftwaffe on projects dedicated to helping pilots survived in cases of aircraft malfunction and open sea crashes.
He worked in the "Medical Experimental and Instruction Division" of the aviation medicine Research Institute.
On May 19, 1944 "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" attended a conference concerning the potability of seawater, he and another scientist "Schafer" represented the chief of medical service of the Luftwaffe.
In his closing statement at the conference "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" expressed his concerns, that the experiments were not conducted at realistic enough conditions of sea distress and needed to be tested to a greater extent.
Because such experiments would likely result in death, using volunteers was out of the question, instead Dachau concentration camp inmates were used.
One of the most well-known was that detailed in a paper published by him and "Konrad Schäfer" entitled "Thirst and Thirst Quenching in Emergency Situations at Sea".
For the experiments, the academics had personally asked "Heinrich Himmler" for 40 healthy camp inmates who were then forced to drink salt water or in some cases had it injected into their veins.
Half the subjects were then given a drug called berkatit whilst all were subjected to an invasive liver biopsy without anaesthetic.
All subjects died, including those given the berkatit, which proved toxic.
"Hermann Becker-Freyseng" later assisted in carrying out the experiment, and because of this he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg, though he later appealed and the sentence was commuted to 10 years.
Given responsibility for collecting and publishing the research undertaken by him and his colleagues, the resulting book, German Aviation Medicine: World War II, appeared just after "Hermann Becker-Freyseng" began his prison sentence.
Harry George Armstrong

Kurt Blome

Siegfried Ruff

Konrad Schäfer
Along with "Kurt Blome", "Siegfried Ruff" and "Konrad Schäfer", he was taken to the USA and put to work on projects related to the space race.
In 1947 at the doctor`s trial at Nuremberg "Kurt Blome", the chief of research on bacteriological warfare in Germany during World War II, was accused of being responsible for experiments on involuntary human subjects, and quote:
"The murder and mistreatment of tens of thousands of Polish nationals."
The human experiment with plague vaccines and various bacterial "Kurt Blome" carried out at the Dachau concentration camp were well known and have been documented, but under US pressure "Kurt Blome" was acquitted.
Two months later he was moved to the United States after the "JIOA" have conceal any records that mentioned the Nuremberg trials for his war crimes.
In 1951 "Kurt Blome" signed papers agreeing to work for the US Army Chemical Corps.
Each one of the scientists had something to contribute to their respective fields, but how does one weigh the benefits, these people were once Nazis, which must somehow have carried over to their work later on in life, some of them were even convicted as war criminals.
Then the US government employed them and simply hid their Nazi past from the public, the government certainly still has this power to manipulate history.
In 1998 the Senate passed the Nazi war crimes Disclosure Act. The Act declared that Nazi war criminal records should not be protected any longer by the government, however most of the Disclosure Act is simply a list of possible reasons for exemption and many records remain undisclosed to the public.
In the case of "Operation Paperclip" key government agencies made decisions concerning the greater public good.
They decided which war criminals were worth bringing into the country without any real checks what they were doing.
That`s just the tip of the iceberg, all these war criminals that came over from Germany and some of them were Jews.
Don`t kid yourself some of these guys were Jews, I guess they would be called sympathizers or collaborators, but they were brought over as well and when they started the CIA, they were interested, the American government and scientists were extremely interested in "MKULTRA".
All you see here is all provable and google-able, check it out for yourselves, this really happened.
Project Pandora and Project Paperclip.
Romans 1:28
And even as they did not
like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind,
to do those things which are not convenient.

Under the leadership of "Dr. Hubertus Strughold", 34 scientists accepted contracts from "Project Paperclip" and were movede to "Randolph Air Force Base" in San Antonio, Texas.
These personalities began to work on human radiation studies, aviation medicine, microwave technology and "MKULTRA" mind control experiments.

The authorization to hire these Nazi scientists came directly from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military brass stated that they wish to exploit these rare minds.
"Operation Paperclip" eventually recruited 9000 Nazi scientists and technicians to help the US destroy the USSR, some of these scientists were known as programmers, people skilled in the art of breaking down and controlling the human mind.

"Dr. Josef Mengele" and others experimented extensively with children and adults, using mescaline, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation,torture, rape, starvation and trauma bonding in an effort to control the human mind.
"Dr. Josef Mengele" was so successful using the technique of trauma bonding, that survivors today still exhibit a profound affection for their torturer, referring to "Dr. Mengele" as beautiful "Josef".
"Dr. L. Wilson Greene" was a Jewish doctor who the the Nazis coerced to participate in their experiments at Auschwitz.
This individual whose code name was "Dr. Greene", came to the US after World War II and began to experiment on adults and children for the military and CIA.
The military and CIA copied the Nazi methodology and began numerous programs of their own.
The first CIA program was knows as "MKULTRA".
The "MK" is an abbreviation for the German words for mind-control.
By the 1953, the CIA, US Navy and US Army Chemical Core, we`re conducting their own narco-hypnosis programs on prisoners, metal patients, foreigners, ethnic minorities and those classified as sexual deviance.
To avoid confusion the dozens of mind-control operations, will be referred to generically as "MKULTRA".
According to "MKULTRA" documents and sources, the methodology of mind control works best when severe trauma is administered by the age of three years old.
Severe trauma such as rape applied at the age of three, will cause the personality to split or dissociate in an attempt to shield the mind from memories of events too painful to endure.
The psychiatric terms are "multiple personality disorder" or "Dissociative identity disorder" and can be produced accidentally or purposefully.
"The three faces of Eve", is the true story of "multiple personality disorder" created by childhood abuse, psychic trauma and creation of multiple personalities was eventually codified by programmers into a standard methodology and is typically accomplished by forcing children to observe and participate in the ritual sacifice of animals and humans and inducing further psychic trauma by means of rape and other horrors.
The trauma causes the dissociation, this functions much like the partitioning of a hard drive in a computer.
The dissociative state is used as an opening to hypnotically induce an alternate shell personality.
The programmer will use hypnosis and triggers to call forth the created personality known as an alter personality, only 20% of the general population is easily hypnotizable, but trauma at an early age makes people vulnerable to dissociation and thus easily hypnotizable.
Typically the programmer might wear a costume such as a rabbit suit and sacrifice a rabbit in front of the child victims, before they are physically traumatized.
The image of the rabbit a phrase from Alice in Wonderland or similar paired images are used as the triggers to call forth the alter personality.
The method works best when the trauma is repeated around six years of age.
A few years later the child victims IQ test and personality test are evaluated to determine, whether the child may be trained in assassination, sexual blackmail, drug courier or other role.
The subject can be hypnotized and used for operations, we would only be consciously aware of the sense of lost time.
"Dr. Sidney Gottlieb" employed these early programmers and concentrated on the use of LSD for mind-control and exotic poisons and drugs for political assassinations.
He personally gave LSD to an unknowing fellow scientist "Dr. Frank Olson" who worked for the Army chemical Corps Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick.

Dr. Frank Olson
His job was developing biological weapons, "Dr. Olson" committed suicide by jumping through the window of a tenth floor hotel.
"Dr. Gottlieb" concealed his actions and the olson family was unaware of the cause of the suicide, until 27 years later when a faxed emerge during a congressional hearing on CIA abuses.
The link between "Gottlieb" and "Olson", illustrated how the different elements of biological and chemical weapons, radiation testing and "MKULTRA" were all intertwined.
As Christians
we cannot ignore this.
It is part of the battle.
It is very real and it is still
happening today.
The effects are staggering.
Project Pandora
"Project Pandora" in 1953, the Russians began to bombard the US Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave spectrum, but the fact was kept secret from the embassy employees.
US Ambassador Stossel, contracted a blood disease bleeding eye, nausea and eventually lymphoma.
He and other employees eventually died as a result of the microwave attacks.
"Dr. Henry Kissinger" sent a secret memo, giving hazard paid embassy personnel in the 1970s, before the attacks the USSR had met with the US to try to head off an arms race and electromagnetic weapons, but were refused.
In retaliation, they began microwaving the US Embassy, it is possible that the US government took advantage of the situation and used the embassy staff as microwave guinea pigs.
The Department of Defense`s Advanced Research Projects Agency, "DARPA" set up a lab at Walter Reed Army institute of research and participated in "Project Pandora".
Scientists began zapping monkeys to study the biological effects of highly concentrated microwave frequencies.
Similar studies were conducted at the VA hospital in Kansas City, University of Rochester, Brooks Air Force Base, Johns Hopkins, MIT, The MITRE corporation, University of Pennsylvania and other domestic and foreign labs.
In one study "Dr. Jose Delgado" experimented on four human subjects using radio waves, reporting they experience different emotions sensations and colored visions.
"Dr. Delgado" stated that these weapons were quote:
"More dangerous than atomic destruction".
With knowledge of the brain, he said: "We may transfrom, we may shape direct robota sighs man. I think the great danger of the future is that we will have robot sized human beings who are not aware that they have been roboticized". unquote.
In the council`s of government
we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought
by the military-industrial complex.
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