onsdag den 3. juli 2019

Søren Nielsen

There is a group, that has malice aforethought and has planned to launch these assets in a way that would look like 100%, like an attack on our planet or on human assets, calling it "Alien", when it`s being run by people.

I call it "The Wizard of Oz", so you these guys, it`s like you "The Wizard of Oz", remember at the end, they pulled the curtain back and there`s this crud mudgin pulling all the levers scaling, scaring the hell out of Dorothy.

I call it "The Wizard of Oz" effect, but it`s very sophisticated and we should not underestimate their capacity. 

Back some years ago, in Washington, prior to the National Press Club event in 2001, a private briefing for Congress, that was at "the Westin Hotel" in Georgetown and there were a number of people there in chairmen of committees and "Mitchell" was there, he`s passed on now and one of the gentlemen, who was there, was a man who had been on an interagency committee in 1974, now this is 42 years ago and the testimony he was going to provide, to those members of Congress and other people, there was a science advisor for "Vice President Al Gore" there, all kinds of folks.

We had this capability I`m telling you about today in November of 2016 and all they would have to do, is to push a button, boom, and the entire event would roll out and he said, everyone on planet Earth would be fooled.

Now if I had heard that only from one person, I would have discounted it as madness. I`ve heard it from one person after another after another after another, on a granular level and now we have an "Air Force Office of  Special Investigations Counterintelligence Officer", confirming the false flag operations, but he would not discuss, he says that`s still very secret, that`s very secret, I can`t talk about that.

We haven`t on camera jumping out of his skin, because I asked the question in a way that he understood, "Do you know about the deceptive craft and the false sighing".

No one else running the cameras knew what that term meant, he did. Now what happens then, when you have a black operation, that is so secretive that they could pull off a stunt like this.

It means they could stampede the entire world into an independence day, like the movie event. Has this already been beta tested : Yes.

So they beta tested and have been testing on the public, sightings, that are man-made UFOs, often piggybacking on sightings of actually ET craft, so that people are confused, don`t have any discernment.

They`ve also been involved in using first the stage craft of little people and I mean no offence to short people, I know sometimes people get prickly, when I talk about this, but "Special Operations Folks", who are under five feet and with certain makeup and masks on these anti-gravity machines, who would go then and abduct people.

So there have been abbuction squads, which are confirmed by this "Air Force Intelligence Officer", that have been operative for decades and when it has suited "The Intelligence Community" they have engaged inhuman adbuctions that a hundred percent full those poor victims, who really think they were abducted by an "ET" and they weren`t, but it sure looks like it.

Now there are two modalities used here, the aircraft itself which is an anti craft, "the stagecraft" initially were "Special Operations personnel", now they have robot ones that look actually like certain species of "ETs" (Extraterretrial Biological Entities) in the evens, but they`re man-made, I know several people who worked on making these creatures and they`ve been called "programmed life-forms", but they have intergrated circuits in their neural complex, 100% man-made, but they would absolutely fool 99.9999999 to out 200 decimal points, anyone in the public that it was exraterrestrial.

Those were fully operational, have been for decades. The early ones were more clumsy attempts, it`s also donning in association with electromagnetic weapon systems that alter awareness, can make you blackout and certain chemicals drugs, canisters that will be thrown and the person will then pass out, have no memory what happened and then awaken with this other event happened having been abducted by an extraterrestrial.

A lot of people said, "Oh, Dr. Greer says no one`s ever been abducted", they have and they attempted to abduct "Dr. Greer", out of his hotel room at the "St. Moritz Hotel" in July in 1994, when he met with "Prince Von Lichtenstein", so he is one of those victims.

I know what they`re capable of, the difference with him, is that he knew what it was.

Now this gets more complex and we haven`t scratched the surface and I don`t know how disturbed you are yet, but it`s going to get worse, take a deep breath.

In 1989 there was a guy named "Mikhail Gobachev" who`s head of the Soviet Union and during the late period of the "Bush" era "President George HW Bush", who had been "CIA" director and he was a mid-level person on this "Magic Committee", "Majority Intelligence Committee" or "Majestic" and he and "Gobachev" and "Javier Pérez de Cuéllar" who is "The Secretary of The United Nations" and others, were planning to disclose that we weren`t alone , in a event, a disclosure event in November of 1989.

"Javier Pérez de Cuéllar" was abducted out of his motorcade at about 3 am in New York City by "aliens", now I put in parentheses aliens, meaning human asset and he was taken on board human-controlled abduction event and told that if he were to continue with that plan, that the "aliens", would abduct everyone involved, including "The President of the United States" and "Prince Hans-Adam II Von Lichtenstein", told "Dr Steven Greer" this personally, because he was personal friends with "Javier Pérez de Cuéllar".

The "Prince Hans-Adam II Von Lichtenstein" said to "Dr. Steven Greer", this is why I don`t believe you`ll be successful at disclosing the extra-terrestrial presence and "Dr. Steven Greer" just smiled and said, "Well I believe you have it backwards" and he did not know, this was in July of 1994, of the ability of the intelligence community to set up a hoxa of someone, like a world figure, like the head of the United Nations that actually happened.

Now because of that, "Gobachev", "Bush", "Javier Pérez de Cuéllar" and others involved cancelled the plans to let the public know we weren`t alone, because they were concerned that and "Dr. Steven Greer" was told, quot: "Prince Hans-Adam II Von Lichtenstein" that this blew up like an atomic bomb in the Bush White House and they said, we were staying out of this now.

And ever since then, no one in that office wanted to deal with this, because they don`t know what`s "ET" and now what`s human and the stagecraft and the ability to interfere with plans by people who are "Congressman" or "UN Secretary General`s" or "Presidents", is so great that none of them want to risk that happening to them, because in those elite circles, trust me, I go to a lot of meetings, those folks don`t want that to happen to them or worse.

This is why, when I got this information to "President Bill Clinton" via his "CIA director" two months or a month later, a very good friend of the "Clinton" family came to my home and said, well they support what you`re recommending, but they`re afraid that if "President Clinton" does this, he will end up like "Jack Kennedy", I laughed, I thought he was joking and he says, what are you laughing at, I`m being serious, this guy was a jokester, sort of bagman for the Democratic Party fundraiser and I said, well if that`s true, we really are in trouble.

Now that was in January of 1994 and you can see why between December of 1993 in the summer 1994, I was canceling my involvement in this subject, I had to be begged to stay in it, was very difficult.

It is how long I`ve known this, so I think that my problem, personally is, who do I share this with and when and with what detail.

I am only scrating the surface and because of what has been happening with the "WikiLeaks", with "John Podesta" Emails about "UFOs".

"The New York Times" reporting on "Hillary`s" interest in it which this was a red line subject, the mainstram media starting to report it, they being unleashed.

To me there are signs out there, that this false flag hoaxing of an attack on the planet is closer, than it`s been in 22 years that I`ve been involved.

Now the gentleman who had this story to tell and who was an official on the inner agency committee, dealing with this specifically who is going to testify in front of these members of Congress at that private meeting in 1997, he told that this was the most difficult thing he`d ever done, because he felt like he was betraying some of his brothers in the intelligence community, but he felt the world needed to know, that night he was sequestered out of the Westin Hotel by people, who he had worked with back in the 70s and taken to an undisclosed location out in Virginia and he never returned and we`ve never heard from him since.

He left a note, saying that I have to leave, the people who I`ve worked with is begging me not to go forward with this testimony and they begging for time for them to get this under control and stand it down.

Unfortunately I do not think he succeeded, I think these rogue elements have prevailed since 1997, there`s almost 20 years later and for that reason we are in mortal danger of being deceived by this.

Now, am I saying that all people who have had contact with "ETs" have been abducted by humans, NO, I`m saying though that if you have trillions of dollars and the kind of technologies I`ve been referring to and you have the intent to masquerade and simulate an "alien contact abduction event", you can do it.

So that is one of the chief issues that we have to begin to think about, what part of what we hear about in the UFO and internet and movies and books, is "ET" interstellar, what part is counterintelligence and propaganda and conditioning events by the intelligence community and by deep deep deep darkest parts of this rogue community, that have betrayed "The United States" and every other country on Earth.

Well I`m telling you that they`re "stagecraft" as they are called, is so good, that there are very few people who would not be deceived by it.

Which means that we have to approach every account we hear, every event that happens with extraordinary scrupulous skepticism and we are not being skeptical enough.

I know I`m building a very long bridge for you to go over and I apologize for that and it`s not my fault that you`ve been lied to for 70 years.

When I was preparing this, my gut check on this, is that what is the right thing for me to do, and that is to send up a call, that this is coming and let`s not get fooled again.

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