søndag den 24. februar 2019

Søren Nielsen

I finished "part 1" with war and I want to start "part 2" with "Robotic Super Humans" because, as I wrote earlier, the first robot eye will come in "April 2019".

I wort

"The first officially functioning robotic eye is released, allowing any blind person to finally see for the first time".

And here is my proof.

(Live Science)

Bionic Eye Lets Blind Man See Again
A Bionic eye implant is now allowing a blind man to see the outlines of his wife after 10 years in darkness

The implant, called a retinal prosthesis, consists of a small electronic chip that is placed at the back of the eye to send visual signals directly into the optic nerve. This bypasses the damaged cells in the man's retina.

In January, Iezzi implanted the bionic eye by inserting the electronics and a wafer with 60 electrodes through the white of Zderad's right eye. Iezzi fixed the electronics outside the eye, then placed the wafer on the curved portion at the back of the eye, where the retina sits.

Then I wort, that in "June 2019", an implanted chip allowed paralyzed people to walk again.

And here is the proof.

(Medical research)

It took Kelly Thomas 15 weeks, and 81 sessions of electrical stimulation, to learn to walk again.

Revolutionary spinal cord implant helps paralysed patients walk again.
Two separate teams of scientists have revealed for the first time that the technique, together with physical training, has allowed three out of the five people treated to walk again after losing all voluntary movement below the site of an injury.

It is incredible to be able to be in there and actually see them taking their first steps,” 

said Dr Claudia Angeli of Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center at the University of Louisville, and a co-author of one of the studies. 

It is an emotional time for the individual [themselves] because it is something that they have been told they are never going to be able to do again.”

In a study published in the "New England Journal of Medicine", Angeli and colleagues report that they implanted an array of 16 electrodes in the lower back of four patients, paralysed after mountain bike or traffic accidents several years before. 

The device, originally developed many years ago for pain control, was placed below the site of injury, covering regions that send sensorimotor signals to the legs while a battery was implanted in the abdominal wall, allowing the frequency of the stimulation, its intensity and duration, to be tweaked wirelessly. Electrical activity produced by muscles in the legs was monitored during the sessions.

As I have said before, it is dangerous for me to talk about this, but people need to know everything I know about what will happen in the future and I know that I have set a lot of alarms right now in the government, and I know that people are following me, because I`m talking about the future.

More to come....

Next time: What they will do to human`s in the future

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