mandag den 7. maj 2018

By Søren Nielsen 2018

(NASA - SOL1457)_Victoria crater and dead alien.

NASA admit that they found an object in space over 1000 time the area of our planet Earth.

It began in 2009 with the launch of NASAs Kepler Mission.

NASA tell people that this is one of Saturn`s moon`s. 

And this is the way the show to the people of the world. As you can see, they blur very much on there picture`s.


This is when I remove all the blur they put it, then it look`s like this.


Or more remove of blur, and ad some details, then it look`s like this.


And this picture is when it`s in Saturen`s rings. 


And here is some other kind of ufoer from my private collection. What I mean with my private collection is that I have a lot picture there is perfect pictures of UFOs.
Like this 2 UFOs here.


Now I want to show some picture from the dark side of the Moon and something that I believes is a transport system between the planets.

And if you take a good look on the picture you will see that there is some body working on it, just like expanding it.

And it's huge, we're talking about miles in width, and I have found it on many pictures from NASA and World wide Telescops.

All the picture`s is from Apollo 7.


Here is some pictures from some NASA websites, where there is found Alien`s spaceship or some other Flying object.

It`s a little difficult to see, but behind the Telescope, there is a object. Here we zoom in on it. And don`t tell me that NASA don`t know it`s there.

On this picture, there is a object in the Earth atmosphere to the left of the telescope.

Here we zoom all the way in to the picture, and here to right you can see some flying spheres.

The next picture is from NASA space shuttle website.
This picture is on the front of the website, but there is one smalle detail, about this picture. IT`S FAKE

And why I say it`s fake, you can see it here, on this picture.

From the red line and to the left, is a copy of the right side. Then you can ask youself, WHY do NASA do something like that...? Is it becouse the shuttle never have been in to space or is the Earth not round...?

I will end my picture show, with some picture from Mars, that give you the proof that is Aliens on Mars, and it`s not one but many, that NASA know it.


MSL 1690 M34 E-SE

A Alien spaceship or more like a (Man Made spaceship) for it look more like a flight jet. (In the center of the picture)

And here at the end, comes one of best picture, that proves that there is life elsewhere than only on Earth.

On this picture, there is everything, letters, people, buildings, spaceships.

Here is the profile picture as I found it on NASA website.

As you can see, there is a dead Alien on the center of the picture, but still a bit hard to see. So I put some colors on the picture, and now you can realy see what happen there.

First I remove colors and then makes it sharper. Then I put the colors on it, to it looks like this.

Here you can see the Alien with some iron that has gone through the body of the alien.

And I belive that all the blue you can see on the picture, is the Alien spaceship smashed in 1000 pieces.

But now you can see, what you think it is or may be ...?

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