søndag den 29. oktober 2017

Is This What They Hide in Antarctica
And what is it...?
Søren Nielsen 

Goggle and Pope Glacier.
I was reading something about how much ice is melting a year at Antarctica when I saw this image on one of NASA's web site. Then I went to the goggle map to find out what it is in the background of the image, when i found this on Goggle Map at Antarctica by Amundsen Sea and Pope Glacier.

The 2 Tower is 2.443 feet.(744 Meter) Hige.

The Tower.
I do not know what it is, but it look`s very weird, and i have never see them before, and i have look at Ancarctica a 1000 times. 

So here is some photos of them, hope someone can tell me what it is, then i will be very happy.

Ancarctica Pope Glacier at front of the 2 Tower

This is to the right of the 2 Tower, and this Tower 1.546 Feet

A little bit to right

This is from the ice wall, looking down at the 2 Towers.

This from 54 km away of the 2 tower, but you can still see them.

Very odd looking.

lørdag den 28. oktober 2017

Top 50 
Passwords That Can Get You Hacked Instantly.
By Søren Nielsen 2017.

Passing guessing is one of the fastest technique to hack any account. According to a survey by Sophos 33% of the people use the same passwords. What this means that if a hacker can get inside a person's facebook account, he can also get inside his/her other account using the same password. The chart below is the set of most commonly used Gawker Passwords that were leaked online due to a security breach.

The following incident shows us how careless people can be while choosing their passwords and ultimately getting themselves hacked. Alternatively if you are worried that you password might be guessed or simply want to check if you are using a poor passwords. 

torsdag den 19. oktober 2017

Hvordan Man Finder En Person
Via Deres Mobiltelefon.
By Søren Nielsen 2017.

Når jeg skal finde en person, bruger jeg et program der hedder SS7, som gør at jeg søge efter en person, på vedkommes, (SMS - IP - PC - Tale opkald - Stemme genkendelse - E-mail.) Udover det så kan man se og gemme at hvad personen har på sin Telefon/PC, uden at de nogensinde finde ud af det, og når man en gang har fundet ud hvad for nogen master de bruger når de gå på gade eller sider ved deres PC, sætter man masten til at lytte og se, efter hvornår de bruger deres mobil eller deres PC, og programmet vil så lave en log på den person eller på det nummer, man nu engang har tastet ind i programmet. Så kan man lave en log på hvem de taler med, og hvem de taler med, osv osv, indtil man har lavet et netværk, og på den måde, kan man se hvem der kender hvem.

 Det er sådan det ser ud, når en person gå på gade med deres mobiltelefon.

Network Voice Monitoring.
Det er noget af det bedste software der findes i verden i dag. Det er helt utroligt hvad det kan og kan se, og for at kunne forstå det, kommer lidt info her :

De væsentlige elementer i dette overvågningssystem:
  • VQuad sammen med tilhørende hardware etablerer opkald eller direkte forbindelser mellem varianter af fysiske grænseflader. De (optagede) stemmefiler sammen med alle begivenheder og målinger overføres automatisk fra de enkelte noder til den centrale lokalitetsdatabase.

  • Mobiltelefoner, Bluetooth, Smartphones, Mobilradio, WiMax, Wifi, Bredbånd 3G / 4G, Bluetooth, LTE, 2-tråds analog (NB, WB FXO), T1 / E1 (PRI / CAS) og VoIP (SIP). De 4-tråds analoge grænseflader (balanceret, håndsæt, mobilradio) kan bruges på en ikke-automatiseret måde eller på en automatiseret måde med yderligere kundeserviceret opkaldsstyringsfunktionalitet via eksterne applikationer.

  • Opkaldskontrol, trafikgenerering, fjernadgang, datatestning og generering af andre forskellige test. Yderligere kommandoer til rådighed for Bluetooth-aktiverede Mobiltelefoner omfatter RSSI, batteriniveau og netværksidentitet.

  • Omfatter stemmekvalitet og dataanalyse, opkaldssvigt, droppede opkald, test af data under talopkald. Yderligere algoritmer, herunder C-Message og SNR, er også tilgængelige.

  • Overfør / modtag stemme samtidig på den ene side af opkaldet eller begge ender af opkaldet (kræver GPS til præcis timing) for forsinkelsesmålinger samt ekko målinger.

  • GPS er tilgængelig for hver VQuad knude for at give både placering og præcis timing.

Indoor Tracking System (ITS).
Hvis der så sidder nogen derude, og tænker "Vi gå da bare ned i Metroen, så kan de ikke måle på os." Desværre, det kan man, og ret hurtig.

Hvis du vil spore trådløs stemmekvalitet, når brugeren er under jorden, hvor GPS ikke er tilgængelig, er der mulighed for en ITS (Indoor Tracking System) indstilling i VQuad. Denne funktion giver et kort over undergrunden, og giver brugeren mulighed for hurtigt at identificere placeringen og tidspunktet for opkald.

ITS-funktionen i VQuad er udviklet til at udføre VQT i fjerntliggende og uopnåelige GPS-signalsteder (f.eks .: underjordisk). ITS-oplysningerne (placering, tidsstempel og JPG-navn) gemmes i VQT-databasen ved hjælp af VQuad Lat \ Long kolonne

De påtrængende noder, der kører GLs  VQuad  -software med en USB-baseret hardwarekomponent Dual UTA HD, der forbinder til ethvert netværksinterface, herunder mobil trådløs, smartphone headsetforbindelse, 2-tråds FXO, 4-tråds analog, VoIP Softphone, PTT Radio og T1 / E1 PRI og udfører automatiseret genkendelse af stemme, data og videokvalitet på det tilknyttede netværk. 

Og som man kan se, så er der ikke mange steder, folk kan gemme sig, og slet ikke hvis det er mig, der sidder og lytter med, for så ved jeg din dybeste hemmeligehed, og alt andet også. Og hvad er det de altid siger, 

"You can run, but You can`t hide."

søndag den 15. oktober 2017

Moon Landing Hoax Apollo 11 : President Nixon Admits Apollo is 
"Walt Disney Bullshit Moon Hoax"
By Søren Nielsen 2017.

I want show people some new photo, that very few people in the world have seen. All the photos is from NASA and CIA, where you will see, that is a fake Moon landing that the CIA and NASA has filmed in the US, at Langley Research Center.

A small step for man.....

The moon landing is something that has gone down in our history books as one of the greatest achievements of man...what if it was fake?

When President John F. Kennedy directed that the United States would land a man on the moon by the end of 1969, he set in motion a search for a launch vehicle capable of doing the job.  In the end, two rockets were designed to not only get us there but to test the spacecraft needed.  The Saturn I and the final version, the Saturn IB, tested the Command and Service Module (CSM) and the Lunar Module (LM).  The Saturn V emerged as the largest manned launcher ever developed, capable of sending 107,000 lbs of payload to trans-lunar injection.  Only thirteen flew, the final one sending America's first space station, Skylab, into orbit.  Thus far, there has been no successful launch vehicle to rival the Saturn V.

The Return From The Moon.

Aldrin - Armstrong - Collins

Everyone can remember this photo. Does it look like someone who has just been to the moon, that just has performed the greatest event of man, by being the first man to leave the earth and go to another planet.? NO 

Buzz Aldrin

Why are they looked sad, silent and ashamed?, is it because that they know, if they don`t do it, will get killed by the CIA, and that why, that all 3 men, stop there job at NASA 3 days after this photo is taken, after they come home from the Moon.  like that, as they is fill with sham,  also looked sad, silent, and ashamed at the NASA big lie and on them self.

How to fake a Moon landing.

Apollo 11 on Moon or ...

Langley Research Center

Langley Research Center

Langley Research Center

Langley Research Center

The LM test over a fake moon.

The Eagle has Landed

The Eagle on the Moon at Langley.

A small step for man.....!

NASA makes a very precise moon for training.

NASA have good photos from the Moon, but not to 
population, they can get the blurred photos.

The Disney Theory.
President Nixon Admits Apollo is 

"Walt Disney Bullshit Moon Hoax".

Walt Disney and The Moon

WernherVon Braun on The Moon.

Or some of this guy`s maybe.....!!!

lørdag den 14. oktober 2017


By Søren Nielsen 2017.

Since the attacks, a variety of conspiracy theories have been put forward in Web sites, books, and films. Many groups and individuals advocating 9/11 conspiracy theories identify as part of the 9/11 Truth movement. Within six hours of the attack, a suggestion appeared on an Internet chat room suggesting that the collapse of the towers looked like an act of controlled demolition. 

"If, in a few days, not one official has mentioned anything about the controlled demolition part," the author wrote, 
"I think we have a REALLY serious problem." The first theories that emerged focused primarily on various perceived anomalies in the publicly available evidence, and proponents later developed more specific theories about an alleged plot.

The first elaborated theories appeared in Europe. One week after the attacks, the "inside job" theory was the subject of a thesis by a researcher from the French National Centre for Scientific Research published in Le Monde. Other theories sprang from the far corners of the globe within weeks.

While these theories were popular in Europe, they were treated by the U.S. media with either bafflement or amusement, and they were dismissed by the U.S. government as the product of anti-Americanism. 

In an address to the United Nations on November 10, 2001, United States President George W. Bush denounced the emergence of "outrageous conspiracy theories [...] that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty."

By 2004, conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks began to gain ground in the United States. One explanation is that the rise in popularity stemmed more from growing criticism of the Iraq War and the newly re-elected President George W. Bush than from any discovery of new or more compelling evidence or an improvement in the technical quality of the presentation of the theories. 

Knight Ridder news theorized that revelations that weapons of mass destruction did not exist in Iraq, the belated release of the President's Daily Brief of August 6, 2001, and reports that NORAD had lied to the 9/11 Commission, may have fueled the conspiracy theories.

No-planes theory.
Nico Haupt and former chief economist within the Labor Department under the Bush administration, Morgan Reynolds, argue that no planes were used in the attacks. Reynolds claims it is physically impossible that the Boeing planes of Flights 11 and 175 could have penetrated the steel frames of the Towers, and that digital compositing was used to depict the plane crashes in both news reports and subsequent amateur video. 

"There were no planes, there were no hijackers", Reynolds insists. "I know, I know, I'm out of the mainstream, but that's the way it is". According to David Shayler, 'the only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes', he says, which would be well beyond the capabilities of contemporaneous hologram technology. "Watch footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center".

Most no-planes researchers including Thierry Meyssan and Reynolds assert that either CGI of a passenger plane was overlaid onto a winged cruise missile or military aircraft, or that computer-generated images of a passenger plane were inserted into the video footage and plane-shaped explosive cut-outs were planted in the buildings in order to create the impression of plane impact. 

Some truth movement veterans have repeatedly refuted the "no-plane" claims. In fact, discussion of no-plane theories has been banned from certain conspiracy theory websites and advocates have sometimes been threatened with violence by posters at other conspiracy theory websites.

Flying Spheres Theory.
Of all the various kinds of UFO related phenomena, which have materialized, the so-called light spheres certainly hold a particularly important place. These objects have recently gained greater popularity thanks, in part, to the studies conducted by Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. According to his theory the light spheres could be the cause behind crop circles with which they have often been associated, but the spheres began to appear many years ago.

During the Second World War airplane pilots on both sides of the war reported on several occasions that they were flanked by mysterious light spheres during their missions. These spheres could execute maneuvers that would have been impossible for the pilots' airplanes. Their many attempts to out strip the spheres and avoid pursuit were unsuccessful and, in fact, the spheres often seemed to anticipate the maneuvers of even the most experienced pilots.

They appeared in all areas involved in the war from Europe to the Far East and it was soon clear that they were not secret enemy weapons. They were given the name "foo-fighters" from a corruption of the French word “feu”. The objects appeared to be glowing bright spheres in colors ranging between red, orange, yellow, white, and green. The instruments aboard the planes experienced malfunctioning when these mysterious craft appeared and once radar technology became operative the pilots realized that the craft were not detected by their radar devices.

The phenomenon of flying spheres begins to manifest during the second World War during the air attacks among American, English, German, and, of course, Italian and Japanese air forces. They all reported a presence of these spheres. Each of them thought they were secret enemies' weapons and so they were frightened, as they moved with great freedom. They could come very close to or move away from airplanes, almost passing between them.

The committees established by both the Allies and the Germans to investigate the phenomenon did not officially reach any serious result. Initially the pilots and their superiors were bewildered and, understandably, afraid that the spheres were secret enemy weapons. They later became accustomed to this presence considering it innocuous. According to the pilots' statements, the objects were filmed on several occasions, but the films have since been kept in secret military archives.

Footage filmed by random witnesses began to appear in the 1950s. These films show the objects both alone and in groups and images confirm the statements made by the military pilots. Amongst the first to suggest that these craft may be extraterrestrial was the Polish-American, George Adamski, the first and most famous of the contactee - that is human beings who come into repeated contact with beings presumed to have come from other worlds.

Adamski declared that these flying objects were remote controlled surveying probes that extra planetary spaceships had launched into earth's orbit for study purposes. Their shape could be spherical or disc like and their size could vary from just a few centimeters to several meters in diameter. He filmed a number of them in flight. Over the course of the years further films added to the wealth of footage showing these mysterious craft, giving a sense of continuity to their mysterious presence and origins.

The Spheres and 9/11.
There is not one photo from the 9/11 where this mysterius flying spheres do not show, and i do not know if they are working together with the American Industrial military complex or if there are a human civilization living off-world with highly advanced technology and knowledge about the existence of aliens?

To me it prove that the United States know about unidentified flying objects, often known as flying saucers, and has been successful in keeping this information from the public. 

This is the no. 2 plan before it hits.

The same photo, a little dark

The same photo, with the flying spheres.

This is where plan no.1 have hit.

Same photo with Aliens and Flying Spheres.

This next photo show, that there is something on plan no.2. You can see it, right before it his no.2 tower.

The airplan with something under and the Flying Spheres.

Same photo.

Same photo.

I can`t tell you what it is, but i can show you what i have found so you can decide what it is you see or what you think you see.

The Flying Spheres is everywhere, no matter what a photo I'm looking at from Earth, they're on it