Søren Nielsen
We has gained insight into a private police report against Mette Frederiksen, the entire government and Søren Brostrøm.
The reviewer states that it has been sent out far and wide, including to all police districts in the country, the major media such as Ekstra Bladet, BT and more.
But also the National Board of Health and the Statens Serum Institut have also received a copy.
Jacob Johansen, who is the author of the review, writes, among other things, that "PM Mette Frederiksen has to a very high degree exposed unvaccinated people to political pressure by accusing them of spreading corona among vaccinated people."
Here you can read the full review:
I would like to report Mette Frederiksen and the rest of the government, and Søren Brostrøm, for hate crime, discrimination, and violation of EU resolution 2361 at the press conference 08.11.2021 in Copenhagen.
In her speech from 8.11.2021, she has violated EU resolution 2361 which has been signed by Denmark.
On 27 January this year, the Council of Europe adopted Resolution 2361 (2021), which states, among other things, in point 7.3.1, to ensure that citizens are informed that vaccination is not mandatory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure to become vaccinated if they do not want it.
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against because they have not been vaccinated due to possible health risks or do not wish to be vaccinated.
Mette Frederiksen mf has to a very high degree exposed unvaccinated people to political pressure by accusing them of spreading corona among vaccinated people.
Mette Frederiksen finds it "deeply serious" that non-vaccinated people infect the vaccinated.
The message from the Prime Minister was clear at tonight's press conference: Non-vaccinated people are largely to blame for the situation Denmark is in right now.
There is a small group that does not play by the rules of the game when there is a pandemic. You bear a responsibility for the whole of Danish society right now, said Mette Frederiksen (S).
She also made no secret of the fact that the new restrictions that the government will introduce, including coronapas, are intended, among other things, to make life difficult for the unvaccinated.
- For all of you who have not been vaccinated, it will be more difficult, and that's how I really think it should be, she said.
The small group destroys it for the big one.
Mette Frederiksen referred several times to "the small group" - the non-vaccinated - and "the large group" - the vaccinated.
- I can not stress enough the unreasonableness of a small group ruining it for the big one, she said, among other things. At the same time, Mette Frederiksen expressed that she finds it "deeply serious" that the non-vaccinated have started to infect the vaccinated.
Which is a direct lie, as the vaccinated get their immune system destroyed by the vaccine.
By blaming the unvaccinated for the infection, she helps to build anxiety among the vaccinated for the "small group" with the risk of hateful attitudes and exposes them to political pressure to take an experimental vaccine.
Allegations that non-vaccinated people infect the vaccinated are not substantiated by any kind of scientific information. On the contrary, recent studies show that it is false information and vaccinated infected as much as vaccinated.
The sole purpose is to indirectly force the rest of Danish citizens to take the vaccine.
COVID vaccines cut the risk of transmitting Delta — but not for long.
Corona - So many fully vaccinated people become infected.
Mest vaccinerede nationer israel, Island også Danmark har højeste dødsrate. (
Mette Frederiksen tries to force the unvaccinated to take the vaccine with them does not tell about consequences.
It is not without reason that the EU will help victims of the vaccine.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on creating a European compensation fund for victims of the "COVID-19 vaccines".
Incidentally, one "forgets" to inform those who say yes to the vaccine that they are involved in the world's largest vaccine trial, which one must inform people about, and they must give consent to it. Furthermore, no one I known, signed that they are informed about this.
Which must be said to be direct deception towards people.
To the great surprise of people, their insurance or manufacturers do not cover if they get harmed after the Covid 19 vaccine, all referring to the fact that they have voluntarily participated and therefore no coverage.
Introduction of corona passports is discrimination and it is no secret to Mette Frederiksen that the new restrictions that the government will introduce, including corona passports, among other things, are intended to make life difficult for non-vaccinated people: "For all of you who have not been vaccinated, then it becomes more difficult, and that's how I really think it should be ".
This is direct discrimination which is contrary to EU Resolution 2361.
Since vaccinated are as contagious as vaccinated, coronapas is a tool to force non-vaccinated people to surrender to the vaccine of this trial.
Corona pas is a false security which means that vaccinated people can freely spread the disease, but the "small" group is accused of it.
This is hateful deed and attitude.
Likewise, I do not want to find myself in the WHO planning that people should be chipped so that you can keep an eye on where we are going.
Søren Brostrøm is only a "paper doctor", which means that he is not allowed to vaccinate people. We have all seen him do that, so he is hereby reported for abuse and illegal action.
Requirements for bandages, tests, vaccines, vaccine passports are violations of several of these.
Depending on what the requirement is, of course. Reference is made to the case that OOC won in court regarding testing.
Act on the use of health information, etc. in the labor market.
The Health Act:
§ 7. Persons residing in this country are entitled to the benefits of the Act.
§ 15. No treatment may be initiated or continued without the patient's informed consent, unless otherwise provided by law or regulations laid down in accordance with law or §§ 17-19.
(§§ 17-19 are regarding minors, inability and urgent treatment)
"Treatment" is defined in:
§ 5. According to this Act, treatment includes examination, diagnosis, medical treatment, obstetrics, rehabilitation, health professional care as well as prevention and health promotion in relation to the individual patient.
Criminal Code:
§ 150. When someone who works in public service or office abuses his position to force someone to do, tolerate or omit something, he is punished with imprisonment for up to 3 years.
§ 260. With a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years is punished for unlawful coercion the one who
PCS. 3. If someone is forced to wear a garment that hides their face, the penalty can increase to imprisonment for up to 4 years.
§ 266. Anyone who, in a way that is suitable for causing anyone serious fear for their own or others' life, health or welfare, threatens to commit a criminal act, is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
However, these can be defended with "recognizable purpose".
§ 134 b. Whoever in connection with meetings, gatherings, processions or the like in a public place moves with his face completely or partially covered with a hood, mask, paint or the like in a way that is suitable to prevent identification, is punished by a fine or imprisonment for up to 6 months.
PCS. 2. A person who possesses in a public place objects which may be regarded as intended to cover the face under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be punished in the same way. 1 mentioned circumstances.
PCS. 3. The in para. The prohibitions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the covering of the face which serves a recognizable purpose.
§ 134 c. Anyone who wears a garment in a public place that hides the person's face shall be punished by a fine.
PCS. 2. The in para. The prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to covering the face which serves a recognizable purpose.
The Constitution:
§ 67. Citizens have the right to unite in society to worship God in the manner consistent with their beliefs, provided that nothing is taught or done that is contrary to morality or public order.
§ 71. Subsection. 1. Personal freedom is inviolable. No Danish citizen can be subjected to any form of deprivation of liberty due to his or her political or religious beliefs or descent.
§ 74. All restrictions on the free and equal access to professions which are not justified in the public interest shall be lifted by law.
§ 76. All children of compulsory school age have the right to free education in primary and lower secondary school.
§ 79. Citizens have the right to gather unarmed without prior permission.
Nuremberg Code:
1: The voluntary consent (for the experiment) is absolutely essential.
Resolution 2361 of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly of 2021:
Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations.
7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially or otherwise pressured to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not being vaccinated due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any discrimination whatsoever.
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 7
Everyone is equal before the law and without discrimination of any kind has an equal right to the protection of the law.
Everyone has the right to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 13, paragraph 1.
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
Article 27, paragraph 1.
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in the advancement of science and its benefits.
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as giving any State, group or individual authority to engage in any business or to take any action intended to infringe any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Article 3, paragraph 2.
In connection with medical science and biology, the following must be respected in particular:
a) free and informed consent of the person concerned in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
b) a ban on racial hygiene practices, in particular practices aimed at selecting humans.
c) a ban on the commercialization of the human body and parts thereof as such.
d) Prohibition of human reproductive cloning.
Article 4
No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 7
Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his communication.
Article 8, paragraph 1
Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.
Article 14, paragraph 1
Everyone has the right to education and to have access to vocational training and further training.
Article 14, paragraph 2
This right includes the possibility of following the compulsory tuition free of charge.
Article 15, paragraph 1
Everyone has the right to work and to pursue a profession freely chosen or accepted.
Article 21
Any discrimination based on gender, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic predisposition, language, religion or belief, political or other beliefs, affiliation with a national minority, wealth, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other relationship is forbidden.
Article 26
The Union recognizes and respects the right of persons with disabilities to benefit from measures designed to ensure their autonomy, social and occupational integration and participation in society.
Article 45, paragraph 1
Every citizen of the Union has the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.
Article 54
Nothing in this Charter shall be construed as entailing the right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of the rights and freedoms recognized in this Charter, or to restrict those rights and freedoms to any extent, than is authorized in this charter.
European Convention on Human Rights.
Purpose and objectives of the Oviedo Convention:
GDPR law:
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Convention on the Rights of the Child:
Since the government can not present evidence, or will not present evidence that the virus is isolated, it must be assumed that it does not exist, and only exists as Corona, which is a flu / cold.
Kloster 5 was never better proven, and an entire profession has therefore been closed down, illegally and without reason, with fatal consequences for the relatives, who still to this day have not received compensation.
Since there has not been a referendum on participation in the great reset, I see this as trafficking in people of a very gross nature. And something that has been passed without the people voting.
In Denmark alone, there have been approx. 11,000 deaths after the vaccine, and more are coming daily, it MUST now stop pushing more for boosters and all the plugs that are planned. When vaccinated people lose their immune system, see link.
Of course, I will NOT be vaccinated with a bioweapon, which I am in my good right to refuse.
Further reference can be made to this article from 19.11.21.
The CDC now acknowledges that those who have NOT received the vaccine are NOT contagious as alleged.
In Denmark, everyone has the right to treatment in hospitals. Several hospitals have signs with "Corona pass" that are against the law, and these hospitals are hereby notified.
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it is illegal to vaccinate children under the age of 18 with experimental vaccines, which governments are doing well now, it must of course be stopped, to pressure parents to get their children vaccinated, and thus be subjects.
The expectation is, the perpetrators of all these abuses are punished according to the law, for all their actions. Everyone who has participated in this narrative must be punished. The government has for no reason robbed us all of almost 2 years of our lives, it must be punished!
Of course, we will not accept at all that we can not move freely in our own country, and stay where we want, we will therefore disregard the government's intention to show Corona passports, due to a flu. Just like the members of the Folketing have these conditions for exemption from the vaccine and thus corona pass.
Looking forward to hearing back about this soon.