onsdag den 24. januar 2018

By Søren Nielsen 2018

AS08-17-2796 Hasselblad 17C. (Alien spaceship on the Moon) 

Something is not right.
There is something that does not match with the Apollo 8's mission, because when you go to NASA's website, the entire magazine 18 is missing from their mission.

Magazine 18 contains all the pictures from the Dark side of the Moon. But i downloade all the picture from all the Apollo missions, many years ago, so have them, but NASA have remove magazin 18 from theres website, and only have low resolution picture from the dark side of the Moon.

The real dark side of the Moon.
But i will show you what the Apollo 8 crew found on the another side of the Moon, and you will lose your jaw, when you see what they did to the Moon. A i will put NASAs own number on the picture, so any one can go and find them at NASA.

  AS08-13-2354 Hasselblad 13E

I don`t know if it's something to what they're building on the backside of the Moon, and I do not mean on the Moon, but around the Moon, because it's huge, what they are building in space.

A on the Moon, that you will not recognize that, it should be the moon. 

The moon is a big machine, which we hope you can see, on the pictures that are posted.

AS08-18-2906 18G (NASA)


Do People live in a computer simulation.
Why do i wright about this now...? 
I do it, because I've found something I do not know how to deal with. But let me say right away, now I understand all astronauts who have been in space.

Believe me or not, this is what's in the picture, that they had hidden and it makes me think about how the world really looks like or if the Earth is round or flat, i don`t know any more and i don`t know if i what to go on, because it's quite scary, because what about everything we've learned at school, we can`t believe that any more, I do not know what to believe in any more.

But now you can see for your self, and see what you think about this picture, for it scar the shit out of me.

AS08-18-2906 (get the picture, youself and have a look)

This picture is the Moon in some type of boks, with a lady to the left of the Moon and a man to the right of the Moon. The whole world is here, in this picture. Aliens, ancient Egypt, a man on a cross, and Ufos and a lot more.


And when you put the picture in invert, then you can see angels with bell flowers in the top left corner....
Look for your self, i don`t know what say. 

I have found much more, but i have to see it all through

I be back soon....!!!

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