torsdag den 28. december 2017

By Søren Nielsen December 2017.


On this photo you can realy see, how they work together all the acter.

Here you can see how the actors make a wall so unauthorized persons can take some pictures of what goes on

And the woman in the brown sweaterthe, in center of picture.

This woman job is to receive blood bags from the actor who has used them so they do not lie back on the ground when the press takes pictures.

Of course, there are some key people, but we come back to them and what their jobs are.

Here is the key people at the Boston Bombings. 

And I will take out each individual and show what they do to hide that this is a false flag operation.

And if you look at the picture now, you will see that there is no blood to see anywhere on the sidewalk ... ??

Because it is a very important thing, because when you see the last pictures are filled with blood everywhere on the sidewalk.

So I will start with "the woman, with blood bag", which runs around between the other people for it have to look like a violent accident.

Here she opens the blood in her bag so the blood can run out and you can see it.

Here can you see the blood run out of the bag, to the right of her leg.

And here you can see all the blood on the sidewalk, and how blood trail follows her.

Then you have this guy, a actor, who play victims and who also have a blood bag.

Here it comes out of the bag. and if you look at the couple on the left, you can look at the man that he wants to help as he sees the blood coming out

Then we have the lady in blue, if you take a look at her, she would not have any blood in her head, but suddenly she just got blood in her head. Then let's see how she gets it.

Here you can see clearly that she put his hand in his pocket, taking it up to his head and wiping her face, and when she turns around she has blood in her head.

And The Oscar goes to the lady in blue, for best female role in "Boston Bombings".

I'm leaving part 2 with this guy here. His name is Jeff Baumann, that's what they call him here at Boston Bombings, but his real name is " Lt. Nicholas Vogt ", former US Army Officer who lost his legs in Kandahar Afghanistan with the 1st Stryker Brig. 25th Infantry Divison in Nov. 2011.

And here's his representation of what happens when a man loses his legs.

And if you look on all this picture, there is NO blood on them. ?????

And take a look now, on this picture.
There is something that does not match.

It's good at movies and pictures, you can not change anything once it's gone wrong. Try to look at Jeff Baumann's left leg, around the hip, what do you see ...?
You see a little silver thing. 
This is a valve for pumping false blood from a hidden blood bag...?

An adult person has 5.7 liters of blood in the body. Under normal circumstances there are approx. 2/3 of the blood is in the veins. All the body's blood flows through the kidneys every 10 minutes. After 10 minutes should

Jeff Baumann be dead.

Because at no time has he added any new blood, while he was lying on the sidewalk. The heart pumps approx. five liters of blood into the body every minute. It is equivalent to a ½ bucket.

The heart pumps so hard that it can send a blood beam 15 meters up to the air.


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